The heat is also dangerous for cars

At high temperatures, the car is exposed to a greater load. The engine, tires, brakes and bodywork are especially vulnerable. Therefore, during the summer, the risk of damage increases considerably, reports

High temperatures reduce the strength of the material and increase the risk of major damage to the car. That is why it is necessary that the engine is completely correct and clean.

A running engine opens the thermostat and turns on the fan in a timely manner, while a clean engine releases heat better to the environment and cools better, reports N1.

Check the fluids, but also the battery.

The car must be well supplied with life-giving fluids, primarily engine oil and coolant. The more engine oil you cool, the better, which is why it is recommended that the oil be near the maximum (on the dipstick). The coolant should be in the middle of the expansion tank.

Many forget that the battery also requires care, regardless of whether it is maintenance-free. Therefore, it is recommended to check the battery at a service center before hitting the road.

Tire pressure and a mistake that many make

Many make the mistake of reducing tire pressure during the summer. But then the tire curves more and heats up faster. Therefore, in summer also use the correct tire pressure. Since you normally travel with a full load, inflate the tires to the maximum load pressure.

Although modern tires are enriched with UV stabilizers, that is, they are protected from ultraviolet radiation, high temperatures encourage damage.

Carefully examine the surface of the tire, especially the soft sidewalls. Inspect the interior as well. If you notice cracks or significant damage to the tire, replace it. To restore the lost elasticity of rubber after summer “sunbathing”, it is recommended to smear them with a special protective agent.

Fill the tank, but until the first click.

Many people, out of ignorance, avoid filling the fuel tank to the top, because they think that they increase the risk of the tank exploding, although there is no real risk. But, in theory, a half-empty or empty tank is more dangerous than a full one. That is, automobile fuel expands slightly with increasing temperature, but that is why it evaporates intensively.

That is why correct fuel intake is important. So every time you fill up with fuel, fill it up to the top, but only until the filler gun fires for the first time. This reduces the frequency of trips to the gas station, saving time (and fuel) and reducing congestion at gas stations.

Weather correction.

Correcting the air conditioning system significantly affects the efficiency of cooling and a pleasant stay in the cabin. Less fuel will then be consumed because the engine drives the compressor that compresses the gaseous refrigerant medium. Lower fuel consumption means less engine heating and less mechanical and thermal load.

Air conditioning efficiency will increase with a changed pollen filter and a clean evaporator and condenser. It is important to set the internal temperature no more than 6°C lower, as this will reduce fuel consumption and engine load, and also preserve its health.


A turbocharger is a combination of turbine and charger (compressor). The turbine is driven by the flow of exhaust gases, is located on the same shaft as the charger and is used to start it. The heated exhaust gases heat the turbine to more than 850°C and, in the case of a gasoline engine, to more than 950°C. As the outside temperature increases, the heating of the turbocharger also increases, especially in engines boosted by “chip-tuning”, writes Autoportal.

That is why it is important to use a fully synthetic oil that is more resistant to high temperatures and, after a heavy load, the engine should not be stopped suddenly. Then the oil circulation stops momentarily, which cools the turbocharger and can cause it to carbonize. Thermal shock can deform the shaft.