The house “became” a hotel and the post office became a court.

It says post office, but it is actually a courthouse. Photo: Samir Adrović

To Ulcinj Mobile home A modest family home in the city centre was transformed overnight into the “Rexha De Luxe” hotel.

“Today the municipality opened a hotel in our family home by putting up an information sign. 20 guests have already registered, but I can accommodate them in the pantry,” wrote an Ulcinj native ironically on social media.

The Rexha De Lux hotel is located about 20 metres from the RV family home, but the contractor for installing tourist information boards in the city, probably by mistake, placed the sign right in front of the door of this Ulcinj resident.

But this is not the only case. A traveller who wants to go to the post office will follow the signs to the building of the Court of First Instance, and a traveller who wants to go to the Court of First Instance will go to the laundry and the heating plant of the health centre… All three facilities are about 20 metres away, as is the motorhome of the “Rexha De Lux” hotel.

For the family home, he says it’s a hotel.Photo: Samir Adrovic

Taipi LearningThe secretary of the Ulcinj Municipality’s Department of Communal Activities and Housing, which is implementing the project, told Vijesti that the department has already submitted several comments regarding the location, height of the pillars and text versions of the notification.

“We will not accept the works until the irregularities and problems with the owners of the plots who have objections to the placement of the signs are resolved,” Taipi said.

In Ulcinj, the installation of a total of 205 tourist information boards in 75 locations is nearing completion. These will contain information on tourist, cultural, sporting and public facilities with instructions on their location.

“Signboards will be installed in different locations in the centre of Ulcinj. The plan envisages the installation of approximately 205 tourist information boards in approximately 75 locations. The signs are intended to direct tourists to attractions, hotels, cultural and historical facilities and provide information on the location of important facilities such as municipal buildings, police, post office, bus station and the like,” Taipi said earlier.

He stressed that the billboards will be in Montenegrin, English and Albanian languages.

The contractor for the construction and installation of tourist information signs is the company “Alfa Project” DOO from Podgorica, whose offer was the most acceptable after a public tender.

The total value of the investment is 51.24 thousand euros including VAT.