British ambassador admits past mistakes in Iraq and looks for business opportunities

Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, British Ambassador to Iraq Stephen Hitchen acknowledged that his country had made “serious mistakes” in Iraq, stressing that his “American cousins” shared the same opinion.

“The cornerstone of our relationship with Iraq since 2003 has been security. There are now many opportunities to prioritise investment and trade, with the aim of achieving a future in which the UK’s partnership with Iraq is on an equal footing,” Hitchen said in an interview at the Al-Rafidain Centre for Dialogue (RCD) in Najaf Governorate, adding: “We anticipate increased trade and investment in Iraq.”

In this context, Hitchen continued: “We have a keen interest in government projects in Iraq to address the water issue at all levels, and there are great investment opportunities in this field, especially in the southern governorates.”

“Iraq has significant potential in tourism, particularly in religious tourism, but it requires continued development and adequate protection to enable visitors from interested countries to explore its iconic sites and heritage,” he stressed.

The British ambassador said: “The United States is our closest ally and cousin, and our objectives in Iraq coincide. However, we recognise the grave mistakes of the past and aim to avoid a repeat of the military experience, a position shared by our American cousins.”

The US invasion of Iraq, which began on March 20, 2003, is estimated to have cost the lives of approximately 300,000 people.