I’m a neurodiversity expert, here are the five biggest mistakes companies make when implementing new workplace policies

Companies are increasingly finding themselves at the centre of legal action over allegations of discrimination against neurodivergent employees.

Last year, UK employment tribunals handed down 278 rulings against employers for discrimination against neurodivergent workers. This is a marked increase from the three rulings handed down in 2016.

According to the Local Government Association, one in seven people in the UK is neurodiverse, a figure that further underlines the number of employees who now need support from employers in this area.

One of the country’s leading experts in this area, Jamie McAnsh, Director of Inclusion at Growth Consulting Champions (UK) plc said: “Over the years, I have observed numerous organisations that have attempted to implement neurodiversity policies with varying degrees of success. I have also witnessed a number of common mistakes that can have a huge negative impact across multiple areas of the business. Addressing these issues is critical to creating an inclusive and supportive workplace for neurodivergent people.”

With that in mind, here Jamie offers what he perceives to be the five biggest mistakes companies make when implementing neurodiversity policies.

  1. Not having any established policy

It’s sad, but sadly true. Some companies have no policy in place at all, and the absence of a formal neurodiversity policy leaves neurodivergent employees without the support they need to thrive. The organization’s leadership team has no guidance, and the company is at risk of being exposed to discrimination litigation.

In one case, a well-known company had a high turnover rate for neurodivergent staff, leaving the organization with a variable skills gap. Upon investigation through a comprehensive audit, it became clear that the lack of a structured policy meant these employees were not receiving the necessary accommodations, leading to frustration and eventually departure from the company. By implementing a comprehensive policy, the company saw a marked improvement in employee retention and satisfaction, a more productive workforce, and getting the right accommodations. A simple solution with a very positive outcome.

  1. Not consulting with staff from day one

Participation leads to change. And failing to involve neurodivergent employees in creating and implementing policies can result in measures that don’t address their real needs. Remember that every person is different and a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work. Therefore, your policy should be created in a way that can be used to support both the person and the organization in order to create the right support framework for everyone.

A technology and AI company introduced a neurodiversity policy without consulting their neurodivergent staff or seeking any professional advice. The result was a one-size-fits-all approach that did not meet individual needs. After receiving feedback, they formed an Employment Resource Group (ERG) advisory group, comprised of neurodivergent employees who provided valuable input, leading to more effective and tailored support measures. This process helped everyone at all levels.

  1. Failure to review and update employment practices

If you don’t look back, you won’t move forward. Stagnant policies that aren’t regularly reviewed and updated can become outdated and fail to keep up with changing needs and best practices. In fact, this is true across the board: policies should be living documents that are reviewed at regular intervals.

A service organization initially implemented a neurodiversity policy when it had only a few employees. However, as the company grew, it did not revise its policy over the years. As a result, it did not reflect advances in understanding and supporting neurodivergent employees. By establishing the Employment Resource Group (ERG), they were able to create a review committee and schedule regular updates, allowing the company to ensure its practices remained relevant and effective.

  1. Not using available support systems and technology

Don’t be afraid to embrace technology. There are numerous technological tools and support systems that can improve the work experience for neurodivergent employees, but many companies overlook these resources, which are also evolving and improving every day.

A financial firm struggled to provide adequate support for its neurodivergent employees until it invested some time with the team and utilized the support of Work Access. This gave the organization access, training, and funding for specialized software designed to help with time management and task organization. This investment in time and technology led to increased productivity and reduced stress among its neurodivergent workforce. With the addition of financial support, the cost of implementation was kept to a minimum.

  1. Not adopting flexible working approaches

Be less rigid. Why? Adequate work environments can be especially challenging for neurodivergent employees who may benefit from flexible work arrangements, especially if they are on medication.

During the pandemic, many companies adopted remote working, revealing the benefits of flexible working for neurodivergent employees. One company I recently worked with saw a significant increase in performance and job satisfaction among these employees when they were allowed to choose their work environment and schedule. After the pandemic, the company adopted a permanent flexible working policy, leading to sustained improvements. This is actually not an isolated case and I have seen many examples where this approach has benefited many staff members for many different reasons.

Final thoughts….

“Implementing effective neurodiversity policies requires a proactive and inclusive approach. By avoiding these common pitfalls and actively engaging with neurodivergent employees, companies can foster a more supportive and productive workplace. As a specialist in this field, I urge organizations to continually assess and adapt their policies to meet the changing needs of their workforce.”