‘Big mistake’: GOP candidates fear Trump’s ‘retaliation’ rant will drag them all down

Donald Trump’s refusal to back down on threats to retaliate against his enemies if he wins re-election in November has down-and-out Republican Party candidates worried it will blow up in their faces.

According to a CNN report, some Republican candidates fear their message to voters about what the party will do for them will be lost as the former president doubles down.

Rep. Nick LaLota (R-NY), who is running in a district won in 2020 by President Joe Biden, expressed his dismay, saying, “We shouldn’t overreact or underreact by acting on things that had nothing to do with this hasty judgment,” and Rep. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) said it would be a “huge mistake” to jump on Trump’s revenge bandwagon when voters want someone in Congress to take care of the issues they care about and not Trump’s legal problems.

“Those are the key issues that are driving voters in November,” Tillis explained. “Why the hell would we divert our attention from that, as any kind of quick fix to this decision doesn’t make sense to me.”

Not all Republican candidates are worried that Trump will drag the party down.

“In a closed-door meeting with the Republican conference on Tuesday, House Speaker Mike Johnson laid out a three-pronged approach on how Republicans could use their majority in the House to go after the Justice Department and state prosecutors. , according to multiple sources.” CNN reports before adding: “House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan also outlined his proposal to defund federal and state prosecutions targeting ‘political opponents,’ which he also detailed. in a letter”.

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