Dhumavati Jayanti on June 14, 2024: It’s time to learn from your mistakes

June 14, 2024 will mark the birth anniversary of Dhumavati, the seventh of the ten Mahavidya Goddesses. Dhumavati is described as an elderly widow, considered a sign of bad luck in Indian culture. She is associated with hunger, thirst and starting fights, characteristics not very close to the traditional concept of divinity as the embodiment of beauty, wealth and balance.

This deity represents certain undesirable or evil aspects of life. However, worshiping it at specific times of the year underscores a deep understanding of Hinduism: that everything in the world, even things that may be considered inauspicious, are, in fact, necessary for the existence of the world.

Astrological Importance Dhumavati is associated with the shadow realm in Vedic astrology and is considered the deity of the unknown. His Jayanti on June 14, 2024 coincides with certain planetary positions that accentuate his importance. This day is in the waning phase of the moon, called Krishna Paksha, a period of reflection, abandonment and transformation.’

In astrology, Saturn, the planet of difficulties and discipline, is connected to the lessons that Dhumavati symbolizes about accepting life’s difficulties. Rahu, the shadow planet of obsession and delusion, is the planet most associated with your unfulfilled desires. Ketu, symbolizing separation and spiritualism, reflects his ultimate message of freedom from worldly chains.

Jayanti of Dhumavati is particularly beneficial for people who are going through difficult times during the periods of these planets. It is a day when ceremonies are performed, not to appease these influences but to learn from them. For example, an individual in the Saturn period might use this day to contemplate lessons learned from life’s struggles.

It is also notable that the lessons of Goddess Dhumavati are active in our birth chart in the 6th house of illness and enemies, the 8th house of transformations and the occult, and the 12th house of loss and liberation.

Importance in various areas of life Dhumavati’s role in her career is to accept failures as lessons. Symptoms of it include job loss, a failed project, or a difficult boss. On his Jayanti, one is supposed to sit and reflect on one’s career not only for achievements but also for experience. It is a day to look for something more meaningful than simply the next rank and the next dollar.

In finance, Dhumavati symbolizes scarcity or some kind of financial shock, such as an unplanned expense. His Jayanti is perfect for reflecting on how we interact with money. Is it so that we are bound with the chains of materialism? Is it possible to be satisfied with less? It is a day to save money, pay debts and give to those in need, knowing that the essence of life is not in possessing material things.

Dhumavati, being a widow, speaks of loss in love. Her Jayanti is effective in overcoming the pain of breakups, abusive relationships, or the death of a loved one. It is not about dwelling on pain but about realizing that love extends beyond the physical body. For couples, it is a day to resolve disputes and differences; for Dhumavati, it creates quarrels, but quarrels can also bring understanding.

Dhumavati teaches that roles are not permanent and can change from time to time in family life. Children grow and roles change. His Jayanti is a day to enjoy these fleeting friendships, reconcile with lost family members and pay homage to dead ancestors. It is about the importance of family and how family ties can remain intact despite changes in life.

Hunger and thirst are the aspects of Dhumavati that directly concern health. Jayanti is perfect for fasting or starting a detox process, not only for the body but also for the mind. It is a day to face vices, illnesses or habits that you do not want in life. The emphasis is on accepting the transience of the body and at the same time taking care of it through practices such as yoga or meditation.

Remedies and Rituals The Dhumavati mantra, “Om Dhum Dhum Dhumavati Devyai Svaha”, effectively removes barriers and achieves inner courage. He recites this 108 times on his Jayanti, preferably wearing a rudraksha or a black bead rosary.

Make a small puja room in the Pitru or ancestral corner in the southwest direction of your house. Place an image of Dhumavati, depicted as an old woman or a crow. It is appropriate to use black or dark blue cloth and give black sesame seeds, black pepper or bitter foods.

On the occasion of Dhumavati Jayanti, it is considered auspicious to give black clothing materials, black grains or black money to poor widows, senior citizens and orphanages. This act recognizes life’s challenges and conveys the virtue of kindness.

Black, dark blue and gray are the colors associated with Dhumavati. Wear or surround yourself with these shades on her Jayanti or on the day dedicated to her. They symbolize the source of all things and the place to which they return.

Fasting: A simple sattvic meal or a complete fast, if the state of health permits, is in harmony with the Dhumavati aspect of hunger and fasting. Avoid eating spicy foods during breakfast to give your stomach a chance to rest.