A food expert says that a mistake is to lose fiber and nutrients

Do you remove the skin from fruits and vegetables? One expert says you shouldn’t, because the peels we’ve been taught to throw away are not only edible, but also delicious and nutritious. In fact, the most concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is often found in the vibrant peels that cover the outside of fruits and vegetables.

Mimi Morley, recipe development manager at food box delivery service HelloFresh, said: “We often peel fruit and vegetables and discard the skin without even thinking twice. But up to a third of the fiber and nutrients in fruits and vegetables can be found in those peels.

“This doesn’t mean that all nutrients are concentrated solely in the skin; for example, when you peel a tomato, you won’t lose much of the lycopene that’s good for you. However, certain peels provide a special benefit. Regardless of the pulp of the fruit or vegetable, making sure you know which foods to peel before cooking also reduces food waste and saves a lot of preparation time.”

Fruits and vegetables you shouldn’t peel

Avoid peeling potatoes

Potato peels are a good source of iron, potassium, folate, fiber, and vitamin C. So by peeling them, you’re not only wasting food, you’re also missing out on those nutrients. Use a vegetable brush to gently clean the potato before cooking to preserve those nutritional qualities.

Save the skin of the onions.

Onion peels have a ton of flavor, so there are other ways to take advantage of this explosion of flavor. Save the onion skin after peeling it and use it in broths or stews. Your food will gain more flavor and color during the cooking phase.

Avoid peeling carrots

Carrots are healthier without peeling. Carrot skin is equally edible as the rest of the vegetable, and removing the skin simply means you are losing some of its nutrients. All you need to do beforehand is wash the carrots with water before using them and you’re done.

Avoid peeling pears, plums and peaches.

Pear, plum, and peach peels are each rich in fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. By leaving the peel on, you maximize the nutritional value of these fruits and, in turn, add more flavor to your dishes. It is important to wash products well before eating them.

Leave the skin on the apples.

If you are going to peel the skin off the apple, stop immediately! Apple peel is much healthier and rich in nutrients. Apple peel contains vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, all of which are beneficial for overall health.