Massive mistakes in Oscar-winning movies.

They may have taken home the little golden bald guy on Hollywood’s night of nights, but these Oscar-winning films weren’t perfect…

We’ve unearthed the most egregious mistakes, continuity errors, and botches in Oscar history (with a lot of help from the amazing movie blog

Titanic (1997) – Rose’s Mole

The first big reveal of Kate Winslet’s character, Rose, comes when she lifts her purple feather hat and we get our first glimpse of our heroine. The only problem is that the shot of her was clearly upside down, because if you look closely, the smudge on Winslet’s face is on the left side of her lips; For the rest of the film, it is on the right side of her face.

We’re surprised, because James Cameron was a stickler for details: when astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson pointed out that the star map was wrong for that time and place, Cameron changed it for the 2012 3D re-release.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) – Visible crew members

Several times during Peter Jackson’s final episode Rings In the trilogy, crew members can be seen through the Orcs’ close combat, at least if you’re a freeze frame enthusiast. Firstly, as Sauron’s army marches towards the Black Gate, immediately after Pippin draws his sword, you can see two members of Peter Jackson’s crew in the background.

Later, as the Orcs advance, you can see another one between the gaps above their shoulders. They definitely shouldn’t be there; one of them even wears a hat.

Gladiator (2000) – Hot Air

Ridley Scott’s gladiator epic has its fair share of goofs and mistakes, but you probably didn’t notice them because, as Maximus says, “Aren’t you entertained?” Still, once you see this oversight, you can’t unsee it: during the Battle of Carthage scene in the Colosseum, one of the chariots falls over, and when it does, you can clearly see a gas canister attached to its undercarriage.

It turns out that it wasn’t just horsepower that gave the Romans their drive.

Forrest Gump (1994) – Convenient shrimp

Forrest manages to make his way through a condensed version of American history in Robert Zemeckis’ Best Picture winner: everything he touches turns to gold (see his accidental investment in “a fruit company” Apple back in the day). the 70s).

That’s how it is when he founds Bubba Gump Shrimp Company with Lieutenant Dan: it’s one thing to land a massive shipment of shrimp where the supply was thought to be dry, but it’s another to capture a gigantic haul of clearly processed shrimp with the heads already removed, practically ready to eat as soon as you take it out of the river.

The Godfather (1972) – Drunk

It cannot be denied that the work of Francis Ford Coppola The Godfather It’s one of the best films ever made, but it’s by no means perfect. Take for example the scene in which Sonny, played by James Caan, takes out his anger on Carlo, who beats his wife.

It’s a cathartic scene, where Sonny lets loose on the man responsible for abusing his sister Connie, but Caan brazenly throws his punches several feet from the target; sometimes you can see the air between the fist and the face. All the fire hydrant in the world can’t distract you from the fake beatdown.

Brave heart (1995) – Revisionist history

Prepare for an overload of factual inaccuracy: in real life, William Wallace was not a commoner as claimed, but a minor nobleman; Sophie Marceau’s Princess Elizabeth was 13 years old and living in France at the time of Wallace’s execution, so she could not be the mother of her child as was implied; The Scots never sacked the city of York; the king of Scotland died in 1286, not 1280; no Irishmen fought at the Battle of Falkirk; the bagpipes that Wallace played would not have been banned at the time; Wallace’s father was not killed in a minor fight with the British; and the final insult: the Scots didn’t even wear kilts until the 17th century.

Mel Gibson, you are sitting on a throne of LIES.

Saving Private Ryan (1999) – Doctor!

Steven Spielberg struggled to get the details right in his shocking World War II drama; many veterans who saw him were impressed by how authentic he was. However, there were some errors that crept into the network.

For example, when Giovanni Ribisi’s character Wade the doctor is shot, one of his fellow soldiers lifts his shirt to see the wound, but steps back too far, briefly revealing the torn top of the prosthetic “chest vest” that the actor uses to simulate. injury.

Slumdog Millionaire (2007) – Who wants to scam a Millionaire?

It’s a pretty obvious plot, but Danny Boyle’s inspiring drama uses the mechanics of the popular TV game show. Who wants to be a millionaire? like its structure, except it completely changes those mechanics when it fits the story.

As expected, in no version of Who wants to be a millionaire? Would the host pose a question and then allow the contestant a bathroom break before answering, for obvious reasons? If that was the case, Millionaire Cheater Charles Ingram wouldn’t have had to suffer a coughing fit…

Shakespeare in love (1999) – Follow That Boat!

You can spend a fortune on period costume design, have your actors taught proper historical dialects, and have authentic sets designed perfectly for the era, but you can’t control anything that happens off set.

Shakespeare in love suffers one such misfortune, albeit a hilariously timed one: when Will Shakespeare yells “Follow that ship!” As he chases Verona, a clearly modern speedboat can be seen in the distance sailing down the river. It’s metalwork witchcraft, sir!

gone With the Wind (1939) – The Lady and the Lamp

By 1939, it was considerably easier to mask continuity errors and anachronisms in films like gone With the WindBecause audiences didn’t really look for mistakes back then, and the screens were such poor quality, you could get away with the occasional extra frumpy dress hidden as a blur in the background.

What can’t be hidden these days, with pauses and crisp DVDs, is a gas lamp that’s clearly connected to the electrical grid, like in this scene with Rhett Butler. We know the chemistry between him and Scarlett O’Hara was electric, but this is ridiculous.

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