Common driving mistakes » MotorOctane

We all tend to make several mistakes while driving that can be easily avoided. These errors could cause serious harm to us, other occupants of the car, and other people outside. These types of problems arise especially if the drivers are inexperienced. We did some intensive research and listed five common driving mistakes we all end up making. Let’s learn to avoid these mistakes and work to make our roads safer.Most drivers

Take risks: Practices such as not following traffic signs and becoming aggressive behind the wheel are harmful in the long run. These things not only put you, but also others in danger. It is better to be late than to regret it at any given time.

Have Insurance: Always have your car and bicycle insured and the ideal is to have third party insurance. This is very useful and keeps your finances safe in case of an unavoidable accident. On the road nothing can be predicted.

Speeding: Avoid speeding on the highway. Life is precious and we should not risk anyone’s life for our thrill of speed.

Getting distracted behind the wheel: Distracted driving causes up to 80 percent of all accidents that occur. Talking on the cell phone, texting, eating, and operating the multimedia console are the most common mistakes drivers make while driving.

Take risks: Practices such as ignoring traffic signals, signs and changing lanes without giving signals are carried out by many reckless drivers; and too deliberately, which not only endangers them, but also other people driving behind or next to them.

Not wearing a seat belt: Whether you believe it or not, wearing a seat belt doubles the driver’s and passengers’ chances of survival. You may be surprised to know that 35 percent of all drivers and occupants who are killed and approximately 12 percent of those who are seriously injured do not wear seat belts. Most of them are teenagers.

Drowsy driving: If you are engrossed due to workload, studies or any similar reason, avoid driving as it may lead to several serious accidents. A little sleep control can help cure it.

Drive drunk: Drinking and driving is not only dangerous for you, but also for others on the road. In the Western world, driving under the influence of alcohol is considered a social crime.

Taking precautions can be crucial, but you must be aware.

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