Nice apology Nicole | Uganda Pulse

The young woman, whose real name is Emmanuella Musimenta, has asked for clemency for what she described as “disappointing behavior,” promising to start a new page of error-free life.

I’m sorry to everyone I’ve hurt over the past few months, and to those who believed in me and I let them down.”the 16-year-old said in a long apology video.

“I promise I won’t repeat the same mistakes..”

Once a beloved victim of physical violence, Nicole’s life took a turn for the worse last year due to her deviant behavior that included running away from school and distancing herself from her family.

In February this year, she was dealt an even bigger blow after her boyfriend leaked her private pictures and videos online.

He lost the support of several people who had come to attend to his education and other needs. Among them was Hajjat ​​Kulthum Nabunya, who offered him free education.

In her apology video, Nicole said that although she lost many people, some others stayed with her, including her mother.

“To those who have stayed with me, I promise that this time I will not disappoint you.,” she said.

Whatever happens to a person, they eventually learn from it. We learn lessons from those mistakes..”

Nicole also revealed that she was starting a new chapter in her life by venturing into the business world.

She said she currently runs a makeup business that she started with the help of a friend.

Nicole called on her followers to support her business.