Experts rate drivers’ fatal mistakes when stopping a car by the police.

Stopping a car by the police may not be the most pleasant process, but if it happens, it is important to act correctly to avoid problems. Experts from the Motorbiscuit publication highlighted 3 fatal mistakes of drivers who were stopped by the police.

Disobeying the police during a traffic stop is a bad idea

Experts urge you to pay attention to what the police officer who arrested you says, as well as his demands, writes “Tvoi machina.” In particular, law enforcement officers, as a rule, want to check your documents: licenses, technical passport and insurance. If the trooper showed up and gave a good reason for the stop, you have no reason not to comply with his lawful request.

Don’t look for anything when the police stop you.

Another mistake that drivers sometimes make when braking is grabbing things from the car. In general, do not do this when stopped by the police, unless you have been instructed to do so. This is necessary for the safety of the police officer, as well as the driver and passengers. Police don’t know what they are looking for and may assume it is a gun or some other weapon.

Don’t run away from the stop.

The worst thing you can do if you are stopped by the police is to leave the stop without the police officer’s permission. In the eyes of the police, you automatically become not only a violator, but also a potentially dangerous criminal who may be hiding from the law for more serious reasons than speeding or running a red light. Appropriate measures may be applied to your detention.