Key mistake to avoid making on your lawn during periods of warm weather as it makes the grass “vulnerable to disease”

As temperatures rise across Britain, homeowners may want to consider protecting their lawn.

To ensure it stays healthy, grass needs the right amount of water at the right time. Failing to meet these needs can have unpleasant consequences, one expert warned.

Chris Mcllory, from leading lawn expert The Grass People, says fertilizer and watering could make the difference in keeping your lawn happy this summer.

He explained: “Summer can be a difficult time to maintain a pristine lawn, as the warm weather and less rain take effect.

Lawn Fertilizer

Fertilization can do more harm than good if applied incorrectly


“Heat stress causes grass to wilt and brown, and grass can become patchy when it has completely disappeared.

“It’s hard enough to keep our grass at its best during the summer, but some of us are inadvertently exacerbating the problem while trying to fix it.”

He added: “The most common mistake people make is mowing, which can cause significant damage to the grass and make it more vulnerable to disease.”

It is also advisable not to walk on grass that shows clear signs of deterioration, as it will compact the soil and reduce drainage, making it even more difficult for it to get the moisture it needs.

“And while some people may think that adding fertilizer could be an easy way to give your lawn a boost, it is best avoided as it can cause more harm than good if not applied properly with enough water,” Mcllory added.

The expert pointed out that darkening and wilting can be an indication that the grass has entered a dormant state to protect itself from high temperatures and lack of humidity.

When to water the lawn

Keeping a lawn well-hydrated during the hotter months may be easier than you think.

According to Mcllroy, it is vital to keep your lawn well-watered during periods of warm weather if you live in an area where there are no restrictions on doing so during heat waves.

“Try to water your lawn early in the morning, before the sun rises, and late at night, when the sun sets, to avoid all your efforts being wasted,” the expert explained.

“Alternatively, you can purchase an oscillating timed sprinkler which should help keep your lawn hydrated throughout the day if you’re not around.”


grass stock image

Water your lawn regularly to keep it hydrated.


According to British horticulturist Monty Don, the best grass enjoys good drainage.

Gardeners can create good drainage by sticking a fork into the soil once a year and moving it around.

For feed, gardeners recommend mixing equal parts sifted topsoil, sharp sand and sifted topsoil.

These ingredients should also ensure that there is no fungus lurking around. This can arise when the environment becomes too humid.