George Conway talks about key tactic in Donald Trump’s trial: “A huge mistake”

Conservative lawyer George Conway has questioned the strategy adopted by Donald Trump and the former president’s legal team of relentlessly attempting to attack the credibility of Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen, ahead of Cohen’s testimony in Trump’s hush money trial.

They are “making a big mistake by going after Michael Cohen like they have,” Conway told MSNBC’s Joy Reid on Friday. “I mean, obviously, they feel the need to do it. “It satisfies an emotional need for Donald Trump, but it doesn’t really help him.”

Cohen was sentenced to prison for his role in the bribery scheme for which Trump is now on trial. Trump is accused of falsifying documents, in the run-up to the 2016 election, that covered up a hush money payment to porn actress Stormy Daniels over an alleged previous sexual encounter.

Cohen now “fully admits” his crime and is a strong critic of Trump, Conway noted. But Trump’s team is trying to paint Cohen as an unreliable witness because of his conviction.

Conway acknowledged that Cohen, whom he has known for years, can be “like a bull in a china shop or a dog with a bone, pick your metaphor” and that he was loyal to Trump but ultimately “got screwed” and has owned . at the height.

Trump’s legal team will try to provoke Cohen when he’s on the stand, Conway said, but Cohen will be a good witness if he “just relaxes and acts straight and doesn’t let them get on his nerves.”

“I think Trump’s people should be really terrified of Michael Cohen and this is Michael Cohen’s chance to set the record straight,” he added.
