Motorists warn of a summer mistake that can be “as dangerous” as drunk driving

Drivers across the UK are reminded to take a very important safety precaution when the weather is warmer, as failing to do so could be extremely dangerous.

Experts say that when getting behind the wheel during the summer, a seemingly harmless mistake could be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol, as it can cause very similar effects.

Drivers are reminded to make sure they stay hydrated and cool in the car as temperatures rise. This comes after scientists at Loughborough University found that dehydrated drivers made the same number of errors as the average drunk driver, and found serious errors such as drifting out of lane and entering late.

The NHS says everyone should aim to drink between six and eight glasses of water a day, but many people may struggle to reach this goal. However, it is very important that you try, especially when the weather is warmer.

Dr. Deborah Lee, of Dr. Fox Online Pharmacysaid: “Just as you should never get into your car over the alcohol limit, you should not drive when you are dehydrated.

“Safe driving requires a properly functioning brain. Dehydration has a serious negative impact on brain function in a similar way to alcohol consumption.”

Being dehydrated can cause drowsiness and affects your awareness and decision-making, similar to being under the influence of alcohol. Because our brain is made up of 70 percent water, it’s no surprise that dehydration can affect our cognitive ability.

How to stay hydrated while driving

Symptoms of dehydration include dizziness, fatigue, headache, and confusion. These symptoms can slow your reaction time, reduce your concentration, and increase the likelihood of making critical mistakes on the road, so it’s important to take the right steps (recommended by Xcite Leasing) and stay hydrated.