‘Do I still have a chance at redemption?’

Gardening involves a lot of trial and error, but the benefits outweigh the challenges.

A determined gardener posted about his gardening woes on the r/NoLawns subreddit for some advice.

The Redditor explained that they just bought a house and now have a garden for the first time. The lawn had a whole host of problems: brown spots, mysterious plants, weeds, etc. The poster confessed that they put weed killer in the front yard and immediately regretted it.

Now they want to plant clover and asked the subreddit community: “Did I make too big a mistake by using the herbicide a week before starting again, or do I still have a chance at redemption?”

The commenters were supportive and helpful with their responses. Many pointed out that it takes time to make big changes to a garden and there is no need to worry about a mistake.

Gardening has so many health benefits, such as improved mood, anxiety relief, and physical exercise, that it would be a shame to be discouraged by a few mistakes.

There are even additional benefits to be gained from installing a natural lawn or bringing nature back into the garden. Homeowners can save time and money, making it worthwhile to overcome the occasional mistakes.

Native plants require less water and fertilizer, reducing water bills and costs for products and services. They are also less time-consuming, requiring less maintenance than traditional grass or non-native plants.

Xeriscaping, clover, and buffalo grass are all excellent options for replacing turf. Even partial turf replacement offers great benefits to homeowners.

If you have a lawn, what aspect of it do you value most?

What it looks like

The way my family uses it

It’s a pleasure to mow the grass

It is cheap to maintain

Click on your choice to see the results and say what you think

Native plants and natural grasses are also much better for the environment. They conserve water and offer a healthier ecosystem for wildlife, including pollinators. Since pollinators protect our food supply, keeping them happy benefits us all.

Commenters on the Reddit post offered a lot of good advice.

“You have to realize that landscaping is a marathon, not a sprint,” one user said. “Trying to do everything in one summer is a recipe for burnout.”

Another sympathized with the original author, writing, “This is my second summer in my new house and I am (overwhelmed) trying to save my lawn and garden from invasive plants and lawn weeds.”

A third user responded with a nice pun: “In no time your garden will become a paradise for pollinators.”

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