Does Brad Pitt realize his mistake after snubbing his children?

Sources say Brad Pitt is on his way to changing for the kids as he regrets his mistakes.

Does Brad Pitt realize his mistake after snubbing his children?
Does Brad Pitt realize his mistake after snubbing his children?

Brad Pitt’s children distanced themselves from him one by one, making him realize that his legal battles with his mother and ex-wife, Angelina Jolie, were the cause.

After the fateful flight they took in 2016, the family was never the same, and the bitterness between the once beloved Hollywood couple boiled over into public view afterwards.

“The kids mentioning Brad’s name is just the tip of the iceberg,” a source shared. “Brad spent a lot of time and money trying to do what he thought was right for his kids, but now he’s wondering if it was worth it.”

The impact on the children was unimaginable, as sources say the Oscar winner “regrets everything that happened and knows he was not a model husband or father during their time together.”

Following this uproar, insiders told thestar magazine that the father of six is ​​changing to be acceptable in the eyes of his children.

“He’s become a ‘better person’ because of it and is sober. As for whether he’ll ever be able to rebuild a relationship with his children, the 60-year-old “knows he can’t force the issue” and make them “want to see him.”

“It has to be on their terms, but he’ll be there when they’re ready,” the insider said.