What is happening? Nerves, avoidable mistakes and bad luck in the most unstable Roscos of Manu and Vicky

He strain He cuts himself with a knife every afternoon in The Rosco from Pasapalabra. Manu and vicky are starring in some very close duelsthat practically decide on small details.

Although those small details, at least in these last Donutshave been conspicuous by their absence. The contestants, whose equality is reflected in numerous tiesI’ve been on the air several times on recent shows. blue chairsomething we are not used to, the result of nerves, risky plays and even the occasional avoidable mistake. Let’s review them!

Manu’s setbacks

The week started with vicky with a firm step The Roscocalm and serene, signing 20 correct answers. manu he hurried tie options and, when it seemed that he was going to sign the tables, an error sent him to the Blue Chair.

In other RoscoThe man from Madrid committed a quite avoidable failure in the first section of El Rosco. A failure in “I” He sentenced him to spend another day in the Blue Chair.

The Rosco with the most errors in the history of Pasapalabra?

None of the contestants were able to consummate their superiority in the last Roscos, because if one day it was Vicky The one who took the victory, in the next program was Manu The one who emerged victorious from The Rosco.

The man from Madrid has landed on a Rosco three letters away from the top prize and Vicky has a clear path to advance towards the final prize. But A slip sent the Burgos native to the Blue Chair. Unbelievable!

Besides, Vicky He has also been the protagonist of one of those in recent days. Donuts What are they forget. Manu was left with 19 hits and two errors, and everything was in the hands of VickyBut the Burgos native has found her ceiling with the same numbers as her rival, so she has tried to add that success that would give her the victory.

The result has been appalling: He has made up to five mistakes! Will this be the Rosco with the most mistakes in the history of Pasapalabra?

The calm after the storm

In spite of the ups and downsManu and Vicky I have found peace in his last Rosco, avoiding the blue chair in the next program.

A three-way tie has put an end to this match for the moment. nerve loop, faults and bad luck who has accompanied manu and Vicky.