Sam Altman says OpenAI’s GPT-5 will be a “significant leap forward”

What you need to know

  • OpenAI CEO says GPT-5 will be a major step up from its predecessor.
  • “GPT-5 is currently in the early phase of development and there is still much work to do.”
  • The official launch date of the model is still unclear, although a report suggests it could be in the summer.

There has been a lot of hype surrounding OpenAI’s release of its long-awaited GPT-5 model. Many users expected the ChatGPT maker to ship the AI ​​model during its spring update event. However, the company has launched a new flagship model, GPT-4o, described as magical by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.

But as it looks now, we’ll have to wait a bit longer. In a wide-ranging interview at the Aspen Ideas Festival, Sam Altman discussed the development of “GPT-5” (via The Decoder).

We don’t know yet. We are optimistic, but we still have a lot of work to do.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI