5 Common Mistakes Companies Make When Creating Content with AI (and How to Avoid Them)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way businesses approach content creation, offering innovative solutions to generate insights and optimize marketing initiatives. However, while AI can be incredibly useful, it is not without its drawbacks. Misusing AI can potentially damage your brand and alienate your audience.

Case in point: In January 2024, retail giant Amazon faced backlash when several of its products appeared on listings with meaningless names like “I can’t fulfill that request.” The problem occurred because some Amazon sellers were relying too heavily on AI (which provided only minimal input and oversight) to generate product titles and descriptions. The result was a series of meaningless listings that confused customers and damaged brand reputation. Amazon quickly addressed the issue, but it serves as a stark reminder of the downsides of relying too heavily on AI without proper human intervention.

How can you prevent your brand from making similar mistakes? Below are five common mistakes companies make when using AI for content creation and practical tips to avoid them.

Don’t Make These Five Mistakes When Using AI to Create Content

1. Over-relying on AI for original ideas

Why this is a problem: AI lacks the nuanced understanding and emotional depth that human creators bring. Over-reliance on AI can result in content that feels impersonal and fails to connect with audiences on a deeper level.

How to avoid it: Think of AI as just another tool in your toolbox, not the entire workshop. AI can generate a lot of ideas, but it lacks the nuanced understanding and emotional depth that you bring to your brand. Use AI to complement, not replace, your brainstorming sessions. Combine the ideas generated by AI with your own knowledge and experiences. This way, you get the best of both worlds: AI’s efficiency and its creativity.

2. Not providing enough detail in AI prompts

Why this is a problem: Without clear and detailed guidance, AI struggles to produce content that meets your specific needs. This can result in posts that miss the mark and fail to effectively capture your audience’s attention.

How to avoid it: Be precise with your prompts. The more details you provide, the better the AI ​​can deliver relevant content. Think about context, tone, target audience, and the key points you want to cover. For example, instead of saying, “Write about summer trends,” say, “Write a fun and engaging post about the top five summer fashion trends for 2024, focusing on eco-friendly options for our eco-conscious audience.” See the difference?

3. Neglecting ethical considerations

Why this is a problem: AI can perpetuate biases present in the data it is trained on, resulting in content that may be unfair, offensive or misleading, potentially damaging your brand’s reputation.

How to avoid it: Make sure the data you feed into AI is diverse and free from bias. Always review AI-generated content for accuracy and fairness. Set up guidelines and oversight mechanisms to monitor and address any ethical issues. This is all about maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of your brand.

4. Take AI responses at face value without editing them

Why this is a problem: AI-generated content often lacks the polish and brand-specific nuances needed to resonate with your audience. Posting raw AI results can result in content that appears generic and off-brand. Additionally, it can lead to copyright issues if the AI ​​inadvertently uses protected material without properly citing it. Without careful review, you may unwittingly post content that infringes on someone else’s intellectual property. This can lead to legal repercussions and damage your brand’s reputation.

How to avoid it: AI can produce good content, but it often needs a human touch to stand out. Treat AI output like drafts. Review and edit the content to fit your brand voice and standards. Add your unique perspective and hone the copy to make sure it resonates with your audience. Remember, your brand voice is irreplaceable, and no one knows it better than you.

5. Not providing constructive feedback to AI

Why this is a problem: The beauty of AI is that it learns from your previous content and continues to improve each time you use it to maximize your reach to your target audience. Without feedback, AI will not improve its results to better meet your needs. This can result in a repetitive cycle of subpar content that fails to evolve and improve your brand message.

How to avoid it: Don’t just accept what AI tells you — critique it! Observe what works and what doesn’t and offer accurate feedback. Tell the AI ​​exactly what it did wrong and what needs improvement. This iterative process helps the AI ​​learn and improve, ensuring that future content is more in line with your brand’s standards and expectations. And isn’t that exactly what you want to happen?

Find the right balance:
Maximize the potential of AI with human supervision

While AI has the potential to significantly improve content creation processes, it’s critical to recognize its limitations and the need for human oversight. By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be able to harness the power of AI while maintaining the integrity of your brand and connection with your audience. Remember that AI should be a tool that complements your creative process, not a replacement for your unique human touch. By integrating AI thoughtfully and strategically, you’ll be able to create engaging, authentic content that resonates and strengthens your brand’s presence. And always remember that you can count on the help of professional companies that specialize in content writing for better results.

Rachel Strella, Founder and CEO of Strella Social Media, is celebrating 15 years of success with her team of experts. Strella Social Media is a regular contributor to Small Business Trends and has been featured in prominent publications such as Social Media Today, Forbes, PR Daily, SmallBizDaily, Business Insanity Radio, and CEOMOM Magazine. A key member of the team is Laney Goff, Executive Vice President and TikTok Specialist. She is a renowned content creator, influencer, and social media consultant. Her work has been featured on the Scary Mommy Blog, the INJOY Success podcast, and the Online Teacher Podcast.