Warning about four common mistakes that prevent people from losing weight

The health experts at Goal Plans by MuscleFood.com have revealed some hard truths about the most common weight loss mistakes that could derail your diet efforts, and even lead to weight gain or injury. One key mistake many make is skipping meals. A spokesperson warns: “People who want to reduce their daily caloric intake sometimes resort to skipping meals.”

“However, because this can lead to extreme hunger, people tend to overeat at the next meal and snack more throughout the day. Skipping meals also slows down the metabolism,” they explain.

Overdoing it with exercise is another mistake that can have adverse effects. Experts warn: “Although exercising is an important part of a fitness routine, overdoing it can do more harm than good. Overtraining increases cortisol levels, which makes you feel more stressed and makes it harder for your body to burn fat.”

For those feeling discouraged about not seeing immediate results on the scale, the spokesperson encourages them to persevere: “Don’t be discouraged if you’ve been exercising and eating healthily but it’s not reflected on the scale. There are a number of reasons for weight fluctuations, such as water retention, increased muscle mass and undigested food weight. Taking your measurements and taking photographs of your progress are better ways to track fat loss.”

The rise of social media has fuelled a rise in the number of extreme diets, despite well-documented evidence pointing to their unsustainable and harmful nature. Health specialists warn against such approaches: “Extreme diets can help you lose weight quickly, but they can also slow down your metabolism. If you eat too few calories, your body adapts by storing them for longer and burning them at a slower rate. Once the diet ends, you are very likely to regain the lost weight.”

Conventional wisdom often associates cardio with the quest to lose excess weight; however, the inclusion of weight training is equally critical to fitness, health advocates argue. They offer some sound advice: “While cardio may burn more calories per session, weight lifting is great for weight loss because it helps increase the number of calories burned at rest. This means you can burn calories even after you exercise while your body is recovering and repairing muscle tissue.”