The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make With Fire on the 4th of July

Summer brings with it outdoor fun like bonfires, barbecues, and fireworks, but fire has inherent risks that can have catastrophic results. Here are the five biggest mistakes people make, according to fire safety experts. 1. Leaving a campfire unattended. Stray sparks or embers can ignite bushes, trees, or an entire forest, so always completely extinguish campfires before leaving the site. 2. Letting young children light fireworks. Fireworks can cause serious injuries if handled by non-professionals. In 2023, about 9,700 people visited emergency rooms due to fireworks accidents. 3. Relighting a faulty firework. If a firework doesn’t ignite, never try to relight it. Instead, wait at least 20 minutes and then submerge it in a bucket of water to prevent it from drying out and posing further hazards. 4. Lighting more than one firework at a time. Twisting fuses together may sound exciting, but it can lead to unexpected explosions. Designate one person to light the fireworks, one at a time, and make sure everyone is a safe distance away. 5. Not having a fire extinguisher nearby. Always have a water source, such as a hose or bucket of water, on hand during Fourth of July festivities. This can prevent serious injuries or property damage if a fire gets out of control. By avoiding these mistakes, you can ensure a safer, more enjoyable celebration.