The Biggest Movie Mistakes of 2015

2015 has been a spectacular year for cinema, and it’s also seen some classic movie blunders. Even Hollywood’s biggest and most expensive blockbusters have fallen victim to the curse of movie blunders, so with the help of our friends at, here are some of the biggest movie blunders of 2015.

Warning, contains plot spoilers.

Jurassic World


In the scene where Hoskins first approaches the abductors’ cage, his watch reads approximately 2:00 p.m. After the rescue of the staff member who falls into the well, the shot cuts back to Hoskins and his watch reads 1:00 p.m. (Link)

Mad Max: Fury Road


In the final chase, we see Max pulling the arrow out of his hand and Furiosa pulling the knife out of herself.

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A few shots later, Furiosa shifts gears and moves the vehicle to the left of Max’s. In this shot, the knife is still lodged in her body. (Link)

Straight from Compton


Eazy-E sports a black Chicago White Sox cap with a white logo at the beginning of the film in 1986, but the logo was not officially released until 1991. (Link)



At the funeral in Rome, the rays of sunlight reflecting off the wall behind Monica Bellucci change in length as the conversation progresses. The time of day each shot was taken must have varied considerably. (Link)



The main character of the video game “Paperboy” is among the alien invaders in the final battle; since that game was first released in 1984, he shouldn’t be there, because the probe that the aliens received with footage from the video game was launched into space in 1982. (Link)

To spy


As Susan rides the motorcycle chasing the car, we can see her stilettos turn into flats at certain points, particularly when she walks up the ramp and screams, “I’m so tough,” and also after she shoots the gun out of the car’s passenger’s hand. (Link)

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation


When Brant runs out of Kings Cross station he is not wearing sunglasses, but when he stops running in the underground car park he is wearing them. (Link)

50 shades of gray


Christian sends Ana a new MacBook so they can keep in touch, but later when Ana emails Christian, she opens a regular laptop. (Link)



When the minions try to buy tickets to see/steal the crown, the ticket prices on the wall are in pounds and pence (decimal currency). As this was 1968, Britain still used pounds, shillings and pence we predict. (Link)



After her dress is torn before the ball, the stepmother stands in front of Cinderella’s face and points at her with her right finger, but in the next shot it is her left finger that is pointing towards Cinderella’s face. (Link)

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Image credits: Disney/Sony Pictures/Universal