Mistakes we all make when cooking rice pudding

Cinnamon and vanilla are the undisputed favourites when it comes to flavouring rice pudding. These two classics are our experts’ favourite choices. Laurae Carter explains that they “bring a warm, comforting aroma that pairs perfectly with creamy rice.” Lyew adds that vanilla extract and ground cinnamon can be used, but she also recommends simmering a halved vanilla pod and a cinnamon stick in milk that can be removed before mixing into the rice.

Experts don’t shy away from other comforting combinations. Ziata uses warm spices, raisins and nuts, while Lonergan adds a twist with bourbon-soaked raisins. While there’s nothing wrong with the classics, it’s a shame to miss out on the chance to be more adventurous with flavors and textures. “Rice pudding is a very simple dish, so people can feel free to be creative with flavors,” says Lonergan.

Laurae Carter suggests adding a floral note with rose water and orange blossom water, but be sure not to overdo it as they can be quite potent. She also likes to incorporate other dried fruits, as does Lonergan, who suggests dried cranberries, cherries or apricots. Lonergan also recommends citrus zest to brighten the pudding and a handful of chopped, toasted nuts to add texture. Ziata prefers the use of pistachios, dates and cardamom. Her advice is to choose “strong flavours and use them in small amounts.” Also, don’t forget chocolate and fruit!