How to look younger by avoiding skin care mistakes that “cause accelerated aging and skin damage”

Skin care is one of the most effective ways to promote healthier, younger looking skin.

A typical skincare routine includes a cleanser. An expert shared tips on the best water temperature to use to achieve a youthful glow.

Lisa Kavanagh, founder of Sphagnum De-Lux, said: “While the appearance of wrinkles and lines is natural as we age, following the wrong types of skincare will speed up ageing and damage the skin.”

The expert listed a number of things that can accelerate aging, including not using moisturizer on the neck and not removing makeup.

Women's skin care in the mirror

An expert shared tips for washing your face


However, one of the most surprising mistakes many women make is using hot water on their face, the expert said.

Lisa added: “Using very hot water can be very drying to the skin, which can damage the skin barrier and lead to wrinkles and lines.”

Most people start and end their day by washing their face, but using water that’s too hot can be surprisingly damaging to your skin.

Instead, opt for lukewarm water to cleanse yourself. There are also benefits to using ice water on your face, if you can stand the cold.

“Be sure to use hot water only occasionally to help open pores; otherwise, use lukewarm water for daily cleansing.”

Another important tip when washing your face is to make sure you remove all your makeup.

Makeup products can wreak havoc on your skin, potentially drying it out or causing collagen breakdown. When this happens, your skin loses elasticity.

Lisa added: “While it’s common to accidentally forget to remove your mascara or concealer at night, repeatedly forgetting to remove your makeup before bed can cause damaging effects on your skin.

“Leaving it on can cause accelerated aging as it breaks down collagen and leads to fine lines and wrinkles.”


Woman applying sunscreen

It is vital to use SPF every day


Using sunscreen every day is one of the most important things everyone can do to look younger and protect the health of their skin.

A dermatologist shared the ideal amount of sunscreen we should apply every day.

They said you should cover your face and neck with two fingers of product. It is important to choose a strong sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or 50.