Joe Biden and the questions selected by journalists will not fool Americans

Joe Biden’s first solo press conference of the year went exactly as you’d expect, with the president being defiant and making bizarre, inaccurate comments.

Example A occurred after the key debate question about whether Vice President Kamala Harris was ready to be president if asked.

Americans were not impressed by Joe Biden’s performance at the press conference, where he answered weak and carefully selected questions.Credit: Alamy
During his speech, his team sat anxiously as he continued to make huge blunders that immediately went viral.Credit: C-Span
A major mistake was presenting the Ukrainian president as “President Putin.”Credit: Rex

“Look, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump as my vice president if I thought she wasn’t qualified to be president,” the 81-year-old responded.

There were gasps of shock, and that kind of response did nothing to reassure the American people that Biden, 81, deserves to be in office until his 86th birthday if he is somehow re-elected.

The “Vice President Trump” gaffe came after Biden introduced Ukrainian President Zelenskyy as “President Putin” earlier that day at the NATO Summit in Washington.

These are the kind of viral clips that resonate far more than any economic-related policy commentary., immigration, and foreign policy.

The president’s decline is nothing new. A Wall Street Journal poll showed that 74 percent of Americans said they did not think Biden should run again because of his age and mental acuity, or lack thereof. And this was a poll conducted months ago. Before the debate.

Other polls conducted after the debate yielded similar results, including a CBS poll that showed only 27 percent of the public believes Biden has the cognitive ability to be president right nowIf that’s the case, why should Biden have another four years?


And during this press conference, Biden was once again given a list of hand-picked reporters to call.

The questions were relatively weak and did not include the obvious ones, including:

Q: You have been seen on several occasions by a doctor who treats Parkinson’s disease. Do you suffer from any neurological disease?

Joe Biden calls Trump his VP in clash with Kamala Harris, seconds before answering questions about Putin gaffe

Q: In the name of transparency, when will you release all of your medical records?

Q: Why do you think you will be able to do this job until 2028 when you have just admitted that you cannot hold public events after 8:00 pm?

Q: The cost of living has risen 20 percent since you took office. Gas prices have increased nearly 50 percent. Americans are struggling, but you say your record in managing the economy is solid. Why this disconnect?

Q: More than 10 million people have entered the country illegally since you took office, including hundreds of people on the FBI’s terrorist watch list. How did you allow this to happen on your watch?

How could Biden be eliminated from the race?

Calls for Joe Biden to end his re-election campaign have grown since his poor performance on the night of the June 27 presidential debate.

After the debate, concerns about the 81-year-old president’s cognitive health became a pressing topic again among the media and his Democratic Party allies.

What has Joe Biden said about his future in the race?

  • Biden has remained defiant and has rejected calls for him to step aside in the upcoming presidential election.
  • The Biden administration was forced to deny reports that the president confided to a close ally that he is considering dropping out of the race.
  • In a July 5 interview with ABC News, Biden said “no one is more qualified” to win the race than he is, adding that only the “Lord Almighty” could convince him to step down.
  • On July 8, Biden sent a scathing letter to members of the Congressional DNC calling on him to resign.
  • “I want you to know that, despite all the speculation in the press and elsewhere, I am firmly committed to staying in this race, to running this race to the finish, and to beating Donald Trump,” the president wrote.
  • Biden proceeded to rail against “elites” in a live interview with MSNBC, challenging any rival to run against him.

How could Joe Biden be removed from the ballot?

  • Since the night of the June 27 debate, a growing number of congressional Democrats have called on Biden to end his reelection campaign.
  • So far, five of the DNC’s 213 members in Congress have publicly called for Biden to drop out of the race.
  • As Biden continues to emphasize his status in the upcoming election, many are wondering whether the 25th Amendment should be used to oust him.

What is the 25th Amendment?

  • The 25th Amendment to the Constitution provides that the vice president shall replace the president if the president dies in office or resigns, or if members of the president’s cabinet declare that the president is unable to discharge the duties of his office.
  • Labor Secretary Julie Su, who would have to invoke the 25th Amendment, called the idea “absurd.”

These are all fair and pertinent questions, but none of them were asked, making this press conference not difficult to handle even for this president.


On Friday, throughout the weekend and for the foreseeable future, calls for Biden to step aside will continue to grow, especially from within his own party and his former allies in the media.

But from what we witnessed from the East Room of the White House on Thursday afternoon, this president is not going anywhere without a fight.

“If I slow down and can’t do the job, that’s a sign I shouldn’t be doing it,” he said.

“But there is still no indication of that.”

From some media outlets to celebrities like George Clooney, the sentiment will be for Biden to resign.

He says he’s not going anywhere, even though polls continue to show Biden’s situation worsening.

Not only is Donald Trump leading in all the key states, but the map has expanded to previously untouchable blue states such as Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Virginia, Minnesota and New Mexico.

One prominent senator, Michael Bennet of Colorado, even warned this week that Biden could face a crushing defeat.

It’s a complete disaster for the Democratic Party.

If Biden somehow survives this and is the Democratic nominee, Trump’s return to the White House will be that much more certain.