NYC Mayor Adams wants to reverse and ‘correct’ sanctuary policy: ‘The previous administration made a huge mistake’

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) recently reiterated his comments about eliminating the city’s sanctuary policies that act as a magnet for illegal immigrants entering the country. YES live reported.

On Tuesday, Adams announced that he would support a bill proposed by the Common Sense Caucus, a bipartisan group of New York City Council members, to repeal laws enacted by former Mayor Bill de Blasio (D). Specifically, if passed, the legislation would repeal parts of the city’s Administrative Code that prohibit local law enforcement from cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“I’m going to express my concern about that.”

Councilman Robert Holden (D), one of the bill’s co-sponsors, said last month: “We have enough criminals in this city; we don’t need to import more and protect them, too.”

“Repealing the laws that created sanctuary city status is common sense,” he said.

Adams initially expressed interest in modifying the policy Earlier this year, amid the city’s struggle to provide humanitarian aid and shelter to an influx of illegal immigrants.

During a town hall meeting in February, Adams told residents: “The overwhelming majority of immigrants and asylum seekers who are here want to work. I still don’t understand why the federal government won’t allow them to work. They should have the right to work, just like all of us who have come to this country have had the opportunity to do so.”

“But those small numbers that have committed crimes, we need to amend the sanctuary city law so that if you commit a serious crime or a violent act, we can turn you over to ICE and deport you,” he added.

Adams has previously claimed that the city’s sanctuary policies have prevented it from addressing issues stemming from the surge in illegal immigrants. According to the mayor, New York City “inherited a national crisis.”

On Tuesday, Adams sharply criticized de Blasio for taking the city’s existing sanctuary policies too far. Under de Blasio’s legislation, NYPD officers are prohibited from complying with ICE detainer requests. As a result, local law enforcement must release illegal alien criminals rather than hand them over to federal immigration officials. ICE agents are forced to track down the individual on the street, which is far more dangerous, costly and time-consuming.

“I think the previous administration made a huge mistake. I think we need to fix that,” Adams said. “New Yorkers have a right to be safe in their city. Just like anyone who breaks the law or commits any violent act against New Yorkers, I’m going to voice my concerns about that.”

According to the The sun of New YorkMore than 200,000 illegal immigrants have arrived in New York City since 2022.

Holden recently told Daily Caller News Foundation“It’s encouraging to hear the mayor’s support for our effort to repeal sanctuary city laws.”

“Despite a combative City Council, you can get this done by advocating for the Charter Revision Commission to put this proposition on this year’s ballot for the people to decide,” she continued. “New Yorkers will make the right choice – let’s do it!”

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