Beginner mistakes to avoid in Once Human


  • Ammo conservation is key in Once Human, as advanced ammo is expensive to craft and resources must be constantly collected.
  • Fully explore and complete all POIs to gather rare crafting materials and equipment needed to progress through the game.
  • Use energy links efficiently to move to new areas and upgrade your equipment, and keep completing tasks along the way to earn rewards.

Once human is a survival horror game with PvP and PvE multiplayer game modes. The game follows a seasonal format, where different stages of the season unlock new gameplay options. Once human It’s free to play, but there is a shop to purchase cosmetic items and also a monthly battle pass.



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Once human It has a very steep learning curve and offers many gameplay features to new players, many of which are not explained very well. It is very easy to make fundamental mistakes early in the game that players will not learn until they are quite advanced.

1 Waste of ammo

It can be expensive

Don't waste ammo in Once Human

It can be very tempting to drive through POIs in Once human All guns blazing. Sometimes this is something that needs to be done to take out large groups of enemies. Especially if the enemies in question are using ranged attacks or if the player is surrounded. However, this will consume ammo.


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Crafting advanced ammo is very expensive to maintain constant use of ranged weapons. It is possible to meet the demand, but this will require the player to continually gather resources to replenish ammo supplies after each session on the open world map. A much better idea is to use a melee weapon when possible to save ammo in this survival horror game.

2 Don’t harvest as you go

Resources will be needed

Harvest as you go in Once Human

Some players simply prefer combat to the survival aspects of a game, and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, in Once humanIt is impossible to completely ignore the crafting aspects, as the player needs to craft his own equipment in most cases.

All crafting recipes require resources and materials that are collected from the world map, such as ore and wood, or obtained from enemies and crates. Additionally, unless a player is friends with a large PvP guild, they will have limited access to fuel reserves and will need to constantly loot wrecked cars for fuel. All of this is best done during normal gameplay, by spending a few minutes collecting resource nodes and loot containers that the player finds.

3 Getting too far ahead

Slow down and get some levels

Don't get too far ahead in Once Human

Each new area of ​​the map is bookended by a boss encounter. These boss encounters become much more difficult as the player progresses. Therefore, the player must ensure that they have the right gear at the right level and are of a high enough level to take on the next monolithic mission on the open-world map.

It can be tempting to continue the main story without completing all the POIs in the previous map areas and without completing the side quests. Don’t do this. This additional content is what will ensure that the player has the gear and levels they need to get through the next boss fight. POIs are a great source of rare crafting materials and coins that the player will need to craft decent-level gear in the future, so they all need to be completed at 100% before the player moves on to the next area of ​​the world.

4 Don’t bother exploring

Don’t miss the missions

Be sure to explore at Once Human

The map of the world in Once human is one of the best seen in a game to date. Not only is it incredibly detailed, but there are a ton of scripted events that trigger when a player approaches them. These events often lead to great loot or result in the player receiving a new side quest.


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These women managed to survive the most nightmarish situations imaginable, and that is why they have become icons within the survival horror genre.

This means that the game rewards players who are willing to take the time to explore the map in its entirety. Some of these scheduled events are unique and extremely entertaining, so they are worth a try.

Keep moving to new areas

Don't waste energy Links on Once Human

Energy Links are a form of currency that new players can use Once human You may not understand their value at first. They are used to activate teleportation beacons for fast travel. The further the player wants to teleport, the higher the cost of energy links.

It is therefore worth the player moving their base to each new area of ​​the map they are working on, as this will mean that the use of energy links will be efficient. This is important, as a little later in the game, the player will need to spend energy links to upgrade their equipment.

6 Losing travel rewards

An easy source of articles

Don't miss out on travel rewards at Once Human

The Journey system in Once human It consists of several dozen small tasks that the player must complete. Simple things, such as crafting a tool, using medicine, and other small events. As these tasks are completed, the player is rewarded with a small amount of special resources and currency.


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Despite there being a wealth of iconic survival horror protagonists, the heroes below are often criminally overlooked.

It’s very easy to overlook this part of the game, but it’s worth completing the journey tasks as soon as possible. What makes these small tasks very useful is that they often act as mini-tutorials that introduce a particular aspect of the game to new players.

7 Do not use all available derailleurs

Each one has a purpose

Use all available deviants on a single human

Deviants are small, catchable pets that can be used to perform different actions in Once humanEach player receives their first combat Deviant, the butterfly, as part of the new player experience. What the game doesn’t make clear is that in addition to carrying a Deviant in the player’s backpack for use in combat, Deviant can also perform tasks around the player’s base.

Building additional containment units allows the player to store more active deviants. These containment units can be used by deviants who passively gather resources, grant crafting bonuses, help with farming, and have many other useful abilities.

Cover of the label Once Human

Once human

July 9, 2024

Starry study