Biden’s gaffes push surprised US allies toward Trump

European diplomats and officials have described their shock at President Joe Biden’s gaffe-filled and gaffe-ridden public performances and revealed they have already begun reaching out to Donald Trump, Report reports citing Politico.

With his poll numbers already in decline, Biden is under increasing pressure from his own supporters to step aside in favor of a younger candidate such as Vice President Kamala Harris to face Trump in the November presidential election.

First, there was Biden’s stumble in the televised presidential debate last month, in which he lost his train of thought, setting off a wave of introspection among Democrats and others who worry about what another Trump term will bring.

On Thursday, Biden held a lengthy news conference at the end of the NATO summit in Washington, insisting that he was fit for another term and the best person to defeat Trump. When Biden introduced Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy as “President Putin,” there was a gasp among the Europeans in the room.

One of those present texted POLITICO: “OMFG.”

A second added: “European leaders stood frozen on stage, though they did their best to keep smiling and clapping. No one mentioned it afterwards with the Biden team.”

Another senior European diplomat in Washington said his colleagues have been busy for months trying to contact those likely to join Trump’s team, arranging meetings, attending the same events and inviting Trump allies to dinner.

Asked if there was any pressure at home not to do so because of Trump’s polarising image, one diplomat said: “No. We would be derelict in our duty if we didn’t try to build connections with his people now.”

According to another diplomat, Trump’s outreach has accelerated and predates Biden’s latest gaffes. “This has been going on for more than a year,” he added. Top European officials have been targeting conservative think tanks to get the message on Ukraine across to Trump’s pro-Trump audience, the source said.

The NATO summit marked the first meeting between Biden and the new British prime minister, Keir Starmer, to reaffirm the so-called “special relationship” between the United Kingdom and the United States. Even the British were shocked and dismayed by the president’s apparent fragility.

“It’s madness,” said one British official, giving his personal opinion. “All his messages, at least those around the elections, will be overshadowed by coverage of his health and his capabilities. And he is becoming a laughing stock around the world.”

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