Israel admits there were ‘mistakes’ in Gaza flotilla attack | World

Ammon News – An Israeli military investigation into a naval attack on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla says commandos were ill-prepared and mistakes were made at a senior level.

The report says the operation suffered from faulty intelligence gathering and inadequate planning.

But he also praised the commandos involved and found that the use of force had been the only way to stop the flotilla.

Eight Turks and one Turkish-American were killed in the naval attack in international waters, sparking widespread outrage.

The report criticized the operation’s planners for failing to have a backup plan in case of violence.

But he also said the mission had not been a failure and did not recommend any dismissal.

‘Professional and brave’

He said there had been a lack of coordination between military and intelligence agencies, and that preparations for the takeover of the ships on May 31 had been inadequate.

As they disembarked from helicopters onto the deck of the ship, the Mavi Marmara, the Israeli forces were met with violence by some of those on board, armed with sticks, knives and at least one pistol, the report said.

Presenting the findings to the media in Tel Aviv, retired general Giora Eiland, who chaired the investigative panel, expressed both criticism and praise.

“In this investigation we have discovered that there were some professional errors, both in intelligence and in the decision-making process, and some operational errors,” he said.

“But we also found some very positive findings, and one of them that should be highlighted is the very professional and courageous way in which the Israeli command behaved.”

General Eiland said the report was intended to help prepare Israel for similar situations that might occur in the future.

The Eiland Committee, which began its work on 7 June, examined the military aspects of the raid.

A separate investigation, which includes international observers, is examining whether international law was violated during the military incursion.

In a statement, Israeli military chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi said the Eiland investigation had not revealed any failings or negligence, but “brings to light errors that must be corrected for future incidents.”

Israel has resisted calls for a UN-led investigation into the raid, saying it would be biased.

The operation sparked an international backlash and has severely strained Israel’s relations with Turkey, its once close Muslim ally.

Amid criticism, Israel eased its ground blockade on the Gaza Strip, allowing most civilian goods through.

The naval blockade remains in place. Israel says it is necessary to prevent weapons from reaching the Islamist Hamas movement, which controls Gaza.


**AP Photo: Retired Gen. Giora Eiland speaks in Tel Aviv, Israel, July 12, 2010. Eiland headed a committee that concluded faulty intelligence and planning led to the deadly attack on a Gaza-bound flotilla.