A runner’s eating mistakes: nutrition for runners

During the 2023 New York City Marathon, The world of the runner set up shop in a vacant storefront on West 57th Street with Adidas and hosted three days of inspirational talks, fitness tests and shoe demonstrations.

Due to a last-minute cancellation by a guest speaker, I was called in to talk about nutrition. This was bound to be interesting. You see, I’m known around the office for doing things unconventionally or even questionably. I go out for long runs without water or gels. At lunchtime, I’m more likely to choose a McDonald’s or a gas station sandwich than a salad. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But I know the sage advice this magazine gives, even if I don’t take it into account in my daily life as a runner.

During the nutrition panel, I did as I was told, but just for your entertainment, I’m offering a sampling of questionable eating strategies and food mistakes I’ve recorded in my training log over the past two decades.

In case it’s not clear yet: you better not follow my example!

Chicago Marathon 10/13/2019:

A new personal record for a marathon! By almost 5 minutes. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen today, to be honest. I hadn’t slept well the last few nights. Plus, I had a brisket sandwich for dinner last night and Pepto-Bismol for dessert.

10/15/2014 Seven miles:

Note to self: Buffalo chicken pizza is not a good choice if you’re running after work. It was a great GH run, but I had some stomach issues 2 miles from the end and had to jump into the bushes. It wasn’t fun. The run was fun, though.

Adirondack Marathon 09/20/2009:

A moment to forget. I was making good progress and was second overall for the first 22 miles, but today I had trouble keeping fluids down and couldn’t keep my cool when I warmed up in the first half of the course. Maybe I shouldn’t eat a sausage sandwich at midnight before next year’s race.

5/5/2017 Taco Mile:

Today I spent $129 at Taco Bell. I filled two Ikea bags. I ate one taco, ran one lap, and repeated. It was fun. I was slow, but it was still a lot of fun.

Boston Marathon 10/11/2021:

I received a lot of support. Frank gave me his mimosa at mile 18.

05/20/2020 Seven miles:

Burping the pork and egg sandwich I had for lunch. Oops.

06/16/2017 Beer mile:

Lap 4, the beer was coming along fine, but I started laughing when Kit started chattering. I almost killed myself, but I spit out a mouthful of beer, which earned me a penalty lap. Damn.

2/12/2019 Four miles:

I started the day late, but I snuck out to get something to eat. It snowed pretty hard. On the way home, I stopped at Burger King. I ordered two Whoppers for $6. Awesome!

4/2/2024 19 mile long run:

I was hungry when I ran past a 7-11, so I stopped to get a donut (and Gatorade).

10/11/2017 Five miles:

I ate a chicken Caesar wrap way too late in the day. I threw up a little on the Brooklyn Bridge and almost shit my socks. Ugh!

12/21/2015 Seven miles:

We went to Joe’s Shanghai for a work holiday lunch. The 1:30 reservation meant I burped dumplings for 11 miles after work. Not fun.

Portrait of Jeff Dengate

Jeff is the assistant director of The world of the runnerwho guides the brand’s footwear and equipment coverage. He’s a true footwear expert and has spent more than a decade testing and reviewing footwear. In 2017, he ran in 285 different pairs of shoes, including a streak of 257 days in a different model.