5 Common Mistakes Diabetics Should Avoid at Dinner for Better Health

We often hear the phrase “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” While this is undeniable, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t pay attention to dinner. If you have diabetes, it’s even essential to make the right choices at the table. Certain foods and drinks can cause a spike in blood sugar levels and should be avoided on a diabetes diet. However, most of us don’t know what’s suitable for our condition and what’s not. Because of this, we may end up consuming things that we shouldn’t. To avoid finding ourselves in that situation, we’ve put together a list of some common mistakes that you should avoid at dinner. Read on to find out and see if you’re making any of these.
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Diabetes Diet | Here are 5 dinner mistakes you should avoid if you have diabetes:

1. Not having a fixed schedule

Do you eat dinner at 7pm one day and 9pm the next? If so, you need to change this habit. We understand that keeping a fixed dinner time can be a challenge in today’s fast-paced life. However, try to minimize the time gap as much as possible each day. When you start eating dinner at a fixed time, your body gets used to it and it doesn’t cause a huge spike in blood sugar levels.

2. Carbohydrate overload

Carbohydrates have a bad reputation for being unhealthy, but they are actually not. The trick is to be careful about the consumption and type of carbohydrates you eat. Opt for complex carbohydrates instead of simple carbohydrates as they have a lower impact on blood sugar levels. Some good options to consider are oats, brown rice, quinoa, millet and whole wheat flour (atta).

3. Not including fiber/protein in your food

This is the most common mistake we all make. When planning our dinner, it is important to include a sufficient amount of fiber and protein along with carbohydrates. A balanced meal ensures that you get all the essential nutrients required for optimal health. Foods rich in fiber and protein help in better blood sugar control and also keep you satiated for longer.

4. Choosing unhealthy accompaniments

You should also be careful about the kind of accompaniments you use to accompany your dinner. Some of them are high in sugar and you may be unknowingly harming your health. Tomato ketchup, sweet chutneys and sauces are some of the ones you should avoid. If you are having raita, avoid adding sugar to it. Try making homemade chutneys to enhance the flavour of your food.
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5. Not controlling portions

Do you often end up overeating at dinner? If so, it’s time to stop! No matter how healthy you try to make your dinner, you’re still consuming food. If you overindulge, there’s a big chance that your blood sugar levels will spike. As a rule of thumb, avoid eating once you start to feel slightly full. This way, you’ll naturally eat less and avoid overeating.

Diabetes can be a cause for concern, but it can be controlled with the right dietary choices. Remember to keep these tips in mind the next time you dine out.