Man mistakes cobra for piece of cloth and narrowly escapes snake bite

A technician was nearly bitten by a baby cobra after mistaking the reptile for a piece of cloth inside a washing machine in Kerala’s Kannur district. The shocking encounter took place at PV Babu’s residence in Taliparamba.

Janardhanan Kadamberi, the technician, came to Babu’s house to repair a malfunctioning washing machine. After completing the initial repairs, Kadamberi switched on the machine to check if it was working properly. When he looked inside, he noticed something unusual and, believing it to be a piece of cloth, he stuck his hand in. To his horror, he realised it was a snake and quickly withdrew his hand and immediately informed the owner of the house, Babu.

Babu said, “We have no idea how a snake got in. We still have no idea,” while mentioning that the machine had not been running for the past two weeks and the lid was closed.

On being alerted, Babu contacted an animal rescue team. Anil Trichambaram, a forest rescuer from MARC (Malabar Wildlife Rescue and Awareness Centre), quickly reached the spot. Trichambaram carefully captured the baby cobra and then released it in a nearby forest, ensuring the safety of both the reptile and the residents.