Former British health minister apologises for coronavirus handling mistakes

Former British Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has apologized for failures in the U.K.’s pandemic preparedness that came to light during the Covid inquiry. In a report published Thursday, the inquiry concluded that the previous government “let the public down by making significant mistakes” in preparing for the pandemic.

Hunt admitted today that as health minister from 2012 to 2018 he was part of a group that thought they were too well prepared for a flu pandemic but did not think about other types of pandemics.

I apologise unreservedly to all the families. What happened to this country during the Covid pandemic was the worst tragedy, he told the BBC.

She also urged the new government to take into account the recommendations of the 217-page report by House of Lords MP Heather Hallett. The report said the inquiry concluded “without reservation” that “the procedures, planning and policy of the civil emergency structures within the UK government, civil services and public services have failed citizens”.

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