‘It would be a mistake to think that Kamala Harris lacks a large number of supporters’

Joe Biden announced on Sunday evening that he will withdraw from the US presidential race. The US president also endorsed Kamala Harris, the vice president, as his replacement.

Telegraph readers have also shared their thoughts on what this will mean for Donald Trump’s chances and the US election as a whole.

Some readers shared a more sympathetic view on Biden’s resignation, believing the move was the right decision.

‘The right decision’

Fiona Whyte, for example, argues that “Joe Biden has done the right thing” and argues that “the American people will surely now have to decide on an upper age limit for their president.”

Another reader, Elizabeth Kirkby, shares a similar view: “I am glad to see that Joe Biden has made the right decision. He can now leave the presidency with some dignity and integrity.

“I’m not sure what will happen next. I feel sorry for the American people. They still don’t have much choice as to who will be the next president of the United States.”

One anonymous reader opined: “Well done Mr. President, you have dedicated a life of service to your country” and “I hope Donald Trump can now be defeated by the Democratic candidate, otherwise we all have a very bleak future ahead of us.”

Others were bitter about the decision. One anonymous reader said: “A massive manipulation of the American people by those around Joe Biden and the American media. He was in no condition to stand as a candidate four years ago. He has been president in name only. A disgrace and a disgrace to the American people by the Democratic Party.”

‘Why leave it so late?’

However, others criticised the president’s timing of his stepping aside, arguing that it was “too late”.

Paul Freeman said: “I don’t see how this can result in anything other than a terrible image for the Democrats. It shows a terrible level of judgment.”

He wondered: “Why now? Did they really not realize this months ago?”

Another anonymous reader added: “We knew this was coming, the pressure was too great, but why wait until so late? How is anyone else going to be prepared in such a short time?”