Former Houthi official: Attacks on Israel were a ‘grave mistake’ | Israel National News

A former Houthi official believes the pro-Iranian militia made a grave mistake when it decided to attack Israel.

In an interview with Israel Hayom“The Houthis are using tens of millions of Yemenis as human shields when they launch a rocket and kill an Israeli civilian. They will cause the port to collapse,” the former official said.

“Israel is not like Britain and the United States, which only attack military targets. The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is between them and we have no direct conflict with Israel.”

He also stressed that the Houthis do not even have an air defense system capable of protecting Yemen: “Abdul-Malik al-Houthi launches these rockets when he is not even capable of shooting down a single Israeli plane. I am worried that Israel could establish a naval and air siege on Yemen, and those who will pay the price will be the civilian population.”

A Saudi researcher said the Houthis “do not act in the interest of the Palestinian issue or even Yemen. Those who kill their own people will not support the Palestinians in Gaza, and those who fire rockets at Mecca will not protect Jerusalem. The militia serves Iran as a bargaining chip for its own interests.”

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