An American travel writer shares the biggest mistakes she made on a safari in South Africa

American travel writer Tammy Barr recently shared her experience of her first safari trip in South Africa and admitted to having a few mishaps during her first stay in the forest.

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Image: Pixabay / Adrega

Book during high season

The first rule of a safari club? Avoid holidays. Barr ended up booking his trip during the Easter holidays, a peak season in the jungle. Lodges were full, prices were higher, and the experience was less private. Booking during an off-season is a great way to enjoy a more intimate and cost-effective safari experience.

Underestimating the morning cold

Barr had expected warm weather and dressed in shorts, like his brave safari guide, but was met with frigid temperatures during morning drives. He quickly learned that in the forest, and especially early in the morning, it is important to bundle up in layers. Not every ranger will offer you a poncho!

Fatigue from driving between reservations

The forest is vast and it is easy to end up driving for hours between the various lodges. Spending even more time on the bumpy road during morning and afternoon game drives can tire you out. When on safari, always consider spacing out your activities and time spent on the road to allow for enough free time.

Getting too close to elephants

While observing a herd of elephants, Barr felt a little too close for comfort when a large elephant showed signs of aggression. This taught her to keep a safe distance from wildlife, a lesson every tourist experiencing wildlife should learn.

Consuming too much liquid

We all know the damage those late-afternoon drinks can do to your bladder, especially when there’s a two-hour drive ahead of you back to the lodge and you’re not allowed to pee in the forest, because, well, there are lions. Moderation is key when it comes to drinking on safari.

Click here to view the full version Business Insider Article documenting Barr’s time in the woods.

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