My hair reaches my tailbone

Daily habits that many of us do without thinking could be stunting hair growth, a woman with long hair has revealed.

Cezara Robu shared the common mistakes that avoiding helped her hair grow to tailbone length.

Cezara Robu shared the common mistakes that can delay hair growthCredit: Cezara Robu
Robu said the friction from holding a purse or backpack can cause hair breakage.Credit: Cezara Robu

Robu, 26, from London, is a civil servant who spends her free time sharing beauty and wellness videos on YouTube.

She went viral on the platform when she shared the secret of her long locks.

Speaking to The US Sun, she revealed several habits that could be hindering hair growth.

Robu said that focusing excessively on topical treatments is not beneficial.

“Ignoring length retention is probably the biggest mistake I see,” he said.

“Hair growth is often thought to occur from the scalp, so we end up buying lots of expensive oils, hair growth supplements, massagers and shampoos.

“But an important part of hair growth is preventing breakage.”

She said strands are weakened by the accumulation of daily bad mistakes rather than a one-time damaging bleach.

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“For example, many of us hold the handles of our purse or backpack in our hair,” she said.

“Or even lean on him while he is sitting in the chair or sofa.

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“These habits can create daily friction on our hair and ultimately break it, so no matter how fast or healthy hair growth is from the roots, the length can be compromised.”


Robu revealed that he does not trust dietary supplements marketed for hair growth.

She confessed that her reason may be unfounded, but that has not affected her ability to grow long hair.

“I have never tried dietary supplements for hair growth,” she said.

“I have heard that they promote hair growth all over the body, as the effects cannot be localized to the scalp.

“Regardless of whether this is still true or not, I believe that good nutrition and good habits should take priority over taking supplements, unless you have medical issues that affect hair growth.”

According to Very Well Health, oral hair growth supplements have a “minimal effect” on body hair growth.

They do not contain the hormones necessary to stimulate the growth of body and facial hair.

Hair Growth Oils, Sprays and Supplements

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Robu previously told The US Sun that it took a year and a half to grow her hair back after cutting out all the visible damage caused by the colouring.

She stopped dyeing her hair and replaced her old rounded-tipped bristle brushes with a Tangle Teezer.

She also started using a protein-rich gel and began double cleansing to prevent product buildup.

Robu said it’s “counterintuitive” to cut your hair frequently when you’re trying to maintain length.

She added that staying away from heat styling tools is essential to maintaining hair health.

Robu said good nutrition should be prioritized over taking dietary supplements.