It was a collective mistake to bring Mnangagwa to power, it must be a collective effort to bring him down-Mutebuka

Renowned UK-based lawyer and political analyst Brighton Mutebuka says for Zimbabwe to move forward, everyone should accept the collective mistake of 2017 that toppled late former president Robert Mugabe.

“To regain the initiative and pull Zimbabwe back from the brink of the catastrophe it now finds itself in, all Zimbabweans must collectively accept that they made a mistake in November 2017, including War Vets, Chiwenga, MID, the Opposition, ZANU PF, etc

“Then the dangerous work of dismantling “veneism” must begin in earnest!

“If it was a collective effort to push him there, it should be a collective effort to take him down as well. Extremely dangerous? Yes,” she says.

He adds that it is a national duty: “We do not exist on this planet to indulge another man’s madness and hold an entire nation to ransom.

“I don’t write recklessly. “I simply seek to recognize the futility and magnitude of the crisis.”

Mutebuka adds that he finds it shameful and a dereliction of duty not to say anything in light of recent and previous events.

“There is no point in even beginning to contemplate this unless the mentality changes in
@ZANUPF_Official, @zanupf_patriots and all state institutions captured first!

“I refuse to accept that all of you are blind or oblivious to what is happening.

“The same way I write this is the same way some of you took the step and left Zim to challenge Smith’s regime.

“What a beautiful country we have. What was the point of dethroning Bob? You tell me,” she says.
