Police detected driving errors that exposed Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake's mug shot

Because Justin Timberlake was driving under the influence, police officers were able to detect the driver’s errors. See what gave him away.

Don’t drink and drive! This is a lesson Justin Timberlake learned the hard way in his BMW after making several mistakes that caught the attention of police officers. Even if he was not driving under the influence, these traffic errors could have been considered reckless.

Justin Timberlake was arrested for making driving errors

When you drink and drive (which you should never do), it becomes more difficult to follow proper traffic rules, and driver mistakes can alert the police to your drunken state.

Justin Timberlake was pulled over in a gray BMW registered in Florida after cops couldn’t ignore his dangerous driving.

He was stopped in Hamptons near Madison Street and Middle Line Highway after running a stop sign. He was also driving in the middle of the road and was having trouble staying on the right side of the road.

These mistakes are concerning and can cause a police officer to pull you over even if you are sober. It is reckless behavior that endangers his life and the lives of others.

After police officers noticed his slow speech, glassy bloodshot eyes, slow speech, inability to pay attention, and the stench of alcohol, they asked to perform a chemical test.

Justin refused to take the test and that didn’t help his case. NBC News legal analyst Danny Cevallo explained that a denial can be presented at trial to establish conscious evidence of guilt. It is the basis for a revocation of driving privileges.

However, you can wait until you get to the police station to take a breathalyzer test in hopes of lowering your blood alcohol limit when you get there. Now we may never know which one was Justin’s.

In New York, refusal to take a breathalyzer test can result in a one-year license suspension and a $500 fine. But that issue will be resolved in court on July 26.

Even without a chemical blood test, Justin Timberlake failed field sobriety tests. He had difficulty walking heels to toes and standing on one foot without swaying or using his arms for balance.

He was processed and released about nine hours after arrest without having to post bail. He claimed that he had only had a martini, but his driving errors and all other signs suggested that he was too intoxicated to drive.