Soccer jerseys with built-in sun protection highlight the mistake many make

With a mini heatwave on the horizon, new research reveals an opportunity to encourage better sun protection habits among UK football fans: almost a third admit to having experienced sunburn while actively participating in or watching football matches, ​​whether at live events or watching screenings in pub gardens.

The research, commissioned by Kopparberg, found that 59% of us do not apply sunscreen every time we attend a live football match or visit a pub garden to watch the game.

Kopparberg has launched football shirts with a built-in UV protection factor (UPF) of 40 and a range of SPF products to help Brits face sunny days responsibly. The range includes color-changing UV stickers to indicate when it’s time to reapply sunscreen, along with SPF50 sunscreen sachets, which will be free in select pubs across the UK starting this week.

The launch coincides with Kopparberg’s Drink Responsfully This Summer campaign. In partnership with UK charity Melanoma Fund, they aim to promote sun-safe lifestyles among Brits while raising awareness of the charity’s important work.

Nancy Dales, brand manager at Kopparberg, said: “As the sunnier days approach, it is important to raise awareness about sun protection. We were shocked to learn that almost 6 in 10 Brits don’t apply sunscreen every time they’re at a live football match or a pub garden screening, which will be huge this summer with the EURO. That’s why we’ve introduced our UPF40 football shirts and a range of SPF products as part of our ‘Drink Responsibly This Summer’ campaign. “This ensures people can stay protected and safe while making the most of their summer.”

Michelle Baker, chief executive of the Melanoma Fund, added: “Almost a third of Britons believe that professional football stadiums lack adequate shade and sun protection guidance for spectators, indicating a major area for improvement. This underlines the need for football to become a more “sun-protected” sport.

“Sunburn doubles the risk of melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, which can be largely prevented by practicing adequate sun protection, such as seeking shade, wearing protective clothing, and applying SPF30+ sunscreen. “This is precisely why our partnership with Kopparberg is so important, highlighting these issues and encouraging drinkers to adopt sun protection habits this summer.”

The football shirts will be distributed at IF Up North in Leeds, Vodka Wodka in Glasgow and The Heathcote & Star in London, among other select venues, with the rest of the product range available in various pubs across the UK.