Prevent your lawn from turning “yellow and straw-like” by avoiding common gardening mistakes

Temperatures in the UK are rising and warm weather is forecast for most of the week.

This means that those with green thumb should take extra precautions with their lawn, including avoiding a major mistake that could lead to “a brown lawn.”

Cheryl Harper, director of Greensleeves Lawn Care, said: “One of the most common things that affect lawns during the summer months is increased footfall.

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“With families enjoying their garden, barbecues with friends and lazy afternoons soaking up the sun, grass is used much more than the rest of the year and the soil can start to compact.

“Combine that with the scorching sun and very little humidity and your lawn can start to look more than a little deteriorated very quickly.”

Instead of implementing a “keep off the grass” rule during the summer months, there are some simple steps to help minimize the risk of a brown, patchy lawn, the Express reports.