After 41 years, Notepad will now correct your spelling mistakes

For many years we have seen the evolution of all the programs that Windows incorporates, and it is increasingly common for the company that created this operating system to update them to offer new functions that allow users to improve their experience. One of the features that Microsoft defined as “premium” will now also reach the Pad of Grades, And now it will allow us correct In a simple way the faults of orthography that we are committed to.

As one of the most used applications that Windows integrates into the operating system, Notepad is a simple and easy solution, to which, Microsoft assured, it was not necessary to add more functionalities since it meets all that is needed from it. Now, the company has rectified, and after a long time they are going to add a spell check function, something that did not exist even in the integrated word processor that recently disappeared in Windows 11 and that had many more functions, WordPad.

Windows will no longer tolerate spelling mistakes

One of the biggest problems we can have when writing quickly is making various spelling mistakes. This is something that is unacceptable in many cases, although we can have the habit of making various mistakes when using chats that may be more informal and in which this is not a problem. But really, maintaining the most correct spelling possible is necessary, and although we do not put all the accents that each and every word in our language has in chats with our friends, it may not matter too much, in other types of conversations or documents it is really important.

That’s why Windows has added a new feature to one of the simplest word processors currently available, Notepad, which we can use regularly to save things so we don’t forget them, to create various scripts or directly as a simple application to write texts. Now, the last use we have mentioned will be extremely beneficial to us, and that is that this program will allow us to correct any spelling mistakes we have, just like Microsoft Word does.

Windows Notepad

The function is actually very simple, and only tells us which word we have misspelled, underlining it in red, just as it happens in Word or other applications that have a similar use, also indicating which are the possible corrections that we can have in each word.

A desired feature, but not for everyone

Notepad offers a lot of advantages for many users, and it is a type of application that does not take up any space and is easy to use, something that allows many users to carry out their projects or work without having to complicate their lives too much. Many of the functions that Microsoft adds to its OS are acclaimed by many and hated by many others, and in this case the ability to correct spelling mistakes also has two sides, since there are those who defend that it is something necessary, as well as others who think that it is a function that should not have since there are specific applications for this that have more additional functions.