Causes of kidney cancer: 5 lifestyle errors that damage the kidneys and can cause cancer

The causes of kidney cancer are unknown, but factors that put some people at higher risk include some lifestyle problems, such as a diet high in processed foods, eating too much salt, taking too many pain relievers, and not drinking enough water. Read on to learn more.

Doctors say that although the exact causes of kidney cancer are unknown, there are some factors, mostly related to lifestyle, that can increase the risk of developing it.

Renal cell carcinoma or kidney cancer is among the deadliest diseases and affects millions of people around the world. According to statistics, kidney cancer is the 14th most common cancer worldwide and has a growing incidence, with an estimated 4,03,000 new cases diagnosed annually. It develops when kidney cells change and grow out of control. People with kidney cancer may notice flank pain, high blood pressure, blood in the urine, and other symptoms. According to experts, as with all cancers, early detection is key to successful treatment.

Doctors say that although the exact causes of kidney cancer are unknown, there are some factors, mostly related to lifestyle, that can increase the risk of developing it. Some of these include:

Eat processed junk food

According to experts, fast, junk and processed foods are super delicious, but at the same time they are loaded with extremely high sources of sodium and phosphorus. Most of those who have kidney disease need to limit phosphorus in their diets. A 2018 prospective study found a 10 percent increase in the risk of kidney cancer in people who eat ultra-processed foods. The risk of mortality has been associated with lower levels of diet quality. Doctors say that red and processed meats correspond to lower dietary quality.