Fears of “mistakes” with new cameras aimed at Australian drivers: “I can’t trust them”

Highway authorities have moved to ease motorists’ concerns as new camera technology to fine drivers will be rolled out in just two weeks.

From July 1, New South Wales will roll out new technology used by its fixed mobile detection cameras that will also allow them to identify seatbelt violations, following in the footsteps of Queensland and Victoria. If a motorist or their passenger is found not wearing a seat belt correctly, they will be fined $387 and three demerit points.

However, the implementation of the new technology has left some motorists wondering how effective the cameras are, with the main concern being the quality of the camera used and its ability to detect a seat belt in similarly colored clothing or other unusual scenarios. clear.

Sydney motorist Andy Man told Yahoo News Australia the number of disputes over alleged mobile phone violations detected by the cameras did not bode well for the new system.

“I know many people who were mistaken for other objects such as wallets, cigarette cases and other objects that were not mobile phones and unfortunately were punished for holding a mobile phone while driving. Now this shows us that we cannot trust that these cameras are 100 percent accurate or show clear images,” he said.

“People in New South Wales travel primarily for work due to our poor train network and the last thing they should worry about is cameras incorrectly capturing people for something they are not doing. Cameras are not always the solution “.

One notable case of an incorrectly imposed seat belt fine occurred in January, when a man was fined more than $1,000 in Queensland for how his female passenger was wearing her seat belt. As seen in the photograph captured by the road camera, the seat belt integrates with the woman’s outfit. Fighting the matter in court, the man eventually had his fine and four demerit points erased.

Since launching 11 months ago, Victoria’s mobile phone and seatbelt detection cameras have detected more than 55,000 violations, generating more than $2 million a month.

A woman wearing a seat belt as a passenger.A woman wearing a seat belt as a passenger.

This was wrongly considered a crime earlier this year. Source: ACA

Transport for NSW says breaches detected by its cameras will go through a review process to ensure a breach has actually occurred.

“Like the process for cell phone violations detected by cameras, all suspected seat belt violations detected by cameras and software system go through several stages of human review by trained and authorized personnel before a fine is issued,” a spokesperson told Yahoo News Australia.

“Drivers will be able to use their penalty reference details to review online images and will be able to request a review of their violation by Revenue NSW, free of charge, if they believe an error has been made. Drivers also have the option to have your matter dealt with in court.

However, Man maintains that even though the same review process is applied for mobile phone crimes, mistakes continue to be made.

More than 10,000 people a year are fined for a seatbelt offense in the state before the new technology was launched, and Highways Minister John Graham said it is “frankly disturbing” that people continued to wear them correctly. . He hopes the cameras will act as a deterrent and help reduce that number.

“Wearing a seat belt is a simple and highly effective way to prevent trauma and doubles your chances of surviving an accident, as well as reducing the risk of injury,” a Transport for NSW spokesperson told Yahoo.

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