The trainer reveals three runaway training mistakes you should avoid making (and we’re guilty of number two!)

    Two leashed dogs being taken for a walk in a field.

Two leashed dogs being taken for a walk in a field.

Training your dog to walk on a loose leash has many benefits, from improving concentration and attention to making him happier and less stressed, so it’s something worth doing.

But while loose leash training is great, there are some common mistakes that many dog ​​parents make. Fortunately, however, they’re easy to rectify, so once you know what to avoid, you can continue training your pup, but with more fruitful sessions (and some of the best dog treats in your pocket, of course).

Professional dog trainer and behavior consultant Amelia Steele, or Amelia the Dog Trainer, has highlighted three loose leash training mistakes to avoid in a recent Instagram post, so let’s take a look at what they are below.

1. Mainly use stop or turn: “You’ve probably heard the advice that when your dog pulls forward, stop or turn around and wait for him to come back to you,” explains Steele. However, it is actually not the best advice to keep in mind.

“This never really teaches your dog what you want him to do,” he continues. “Therefore, this often causes a lot of frustration and it is very rare to see progress when using this method exclusively in training.”

2. Stopping training too late on each walk: If you let your dog get excited before your walk and then start your training once he’s outside, you may be starting your training too late and you might be wondering how to stop a dog from pulling. with a strap.

“Instead,” says Steele, “we want to really focus on your dog’s initial mindset before he even leaves the house.”

3. Waiting too much too soon: “When we’re looking to make loose-leash walking reliable, what we’re really asking our dogs to do is perform a behavior over an extended period of time in many different environments,” Steele says.

This requires a lot of patience and consistency, as well as practice in a variety of different environments.

Perfecting loose leash walking may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! Once you’ve remembered some of the most common mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to mastering loose leash walking like a pro.

Maybe you’re clear on how to walk on a loose leash and would like to hone your dog’s off-leash walking skills. If so, you might want to check out these 15 helpful ways to get your dog to come back to you during off-leash walks.