“Too many mistakes, let’s start again”

The field of the Sardinian center-right was not wide enough. Then, of course, the coalition pays for the narrow defeat suffered in February. The “rigidity” of the leadership of the Brothers of Italy, but also the domino effect after the last regional elections, are the reasons for the defeat in Cagliari, Sassari and Alghero, according to the parties called for self-criticism.

Forza Italia Secretary Pietro Pittalis launches “a call to the center-right opposition in the Council and in the large municipalities to organize and prepare to resume the government of the island and the large cities.” And he announces: “I will write to all the coordinators to propose an open meeting to the regional councilors and administrators, because we have to do politics especially after a defeat.”

For Fausto Piga, councilor of the FdI “There is certainly something to do because if in all Italian regions the center-right defeats Campo Largo and not in Sardinia, it is clear that we are doing something wrong.” So what to do? «We must meet and do self-criticism, each one from our responsibility and lay the foundations to start again with new enthusiasm. Perhaps we lack hunger: we took for granted that the center-right, so effective at the national level, could also be effective in Sardinia. We probably got distracted. Defeat is a wake-up call and nothing happens by chance “.

The complete article by Roberto Murgia about L’Unione Sarda on newsstands, in the app and in the digital edition

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