The dentist says there are three mistakes people make throughout the day that cause their teeth to turn yellow

Since we were children we have been taught the habit of brushing our teeth for two minutes twice a day and flossing every night.

But for some of us, even brushing our teeth regularly with an electric toothbrush and whitening toothpaste isn’t enough to stop discoloration.

Now, a dentist has shared three mistakes people make every day that could be stripping the enamel (the thin outer layer of the tooth that protects it from daily wear and tear) from our teeth and turning them yellow.

Not only this, but it can also increase tooth sensitivity and make us more prone to cavities and decay.

With all this in mind, you might want to take some notes.

A dentist has shared three mistakes people make when it comes to their teeth.  (fake file image)

A dentist has shared three mistakes people make when it comes to their teeth. (fake file image)

Dr. Surina Sehgal regularly shares oral hygiene tips and tricks with her 100,000 followers on TikTok.

In a recent video, which has been viewed almost 60,000 times, he explained how to keep pearly white teeth.

Don’t use a manual toothbrush

Dr. Surina Sehgal warns against “using a manual toothbrush.”

She explained: “It is very common to scrub too much and brush too hard. This aggressive brushing will actually wear away the pretty white enamel layer and expose the yellow layer of dentin underneath.”

Avoid snacks

The dentist also urges people to reduce snacking, since every time we eat our mouth enters an “acid state” that can erode enamel.

She said: “The more times you eat a day, the more acid attacks your teeth will suffer. This can erode the white enamel layer and expose the yellow dentin layer underneath.”

Every time we eat our mouth enters a

Every time we eat our mouth enters an “acid state” that can erode enamel. (fake file image)

Always drink carbonated drinks with a straw.

And finally, while soft drinks are the nemesis of dentists across the country due to their high acidity, Dr. Sehgal says there’s no need to eliminate them entirely.

That being said, he recommends drinking them with a straw.

“If you use a straw, you limit the contact between your teeth and the drink and you will cause less enamel erosion,” the dentist explained.

But if you don’t brush your teeth before bed or drink too many sodas, don’t worry. There are several ways recommended by experts to restore discolored teeth.

First, specialized toothpastes that combine ingredients like baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can improve their appearance.

And there are a number of foods and drinks you’ll want to cut back on.

Tea and coffee are the main culprits for staining your teeth, but red wine, citrus drinks, berries, curries, and tomato-based sauces can also cause them to turn yellow.

We’re not suggesting you live on a diet of plain water and vegetables, but eating the main culprits in moderation is important to keeping your pearly whites, well, white.