A mistake in hydrangea that results in “soft, leafy growth” can leave the plant without flowers

There are several different types of hydrangeas, but they all enjoy similar growing conditions, according to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).

Hydrangeas are hardy and can withstand many conditions, however, it is important to check the care label if you have just purchased one.

For newly established plants, the RHS recommends watering them during the first growing season, from spring to summer, when there has been no rain for seven to ten days.

Even mature plants will benefit from watering during dry periods, as well as using mulch to maintain moisture.

Experts said: “Regularly check the humidity levels of containerized plants and make sure they do not dry out.

“Move containers to a shadier location in summer to reduce drying out.”

After planting, it is advisable to feed hydrangeas with a general fertilizer such as Vitax Q4, Growmore or Fish, Blood and Bone.

However, according to experts, it is not necessary to regularly feed established plants.

In fact, overfeeding can result in “soft, leafy growth” and plants that are “less likely to develop flower buds.”

Feeding too much can also put hydrangeas at greater risk for frost damage, which can kill the plant.

The experts added: “Shrubs growing in lighter, sandy soils may benefit from a spring application of general fertiliser.

“Drought stress can also cause this problem, so mulching may be more helpful.”

Other ways to help hydrangeas thrive year after year include pruning, but when to do so depends on the variety in question.

Mophead and Lacecap flowers can be pruned lightly but regularly in mid-spring to help encourage new flower growth.