These are common mistakes people make at bear hunting sites

By Chris Sargent The constant buzzing of a cloud of mosquitoes was wearing me down. For the second afternoon in a row, they did their best to find a way through my mosquito netting while I stood motionless, camouflaged and well hidden in a pile of brush just off the edge of an old logging road.

By Chris Sargent

The constant buzzing of a cloud of mosquitoes was exhausting me. For the second afternoon in a row, they did their best to find a way through my mosquito net while I remained motionless, camouflaged and well hidden in a pile of brush at the edge of an old forest road.

It was the second day of bear hunting season and I knew that if I was patient I would eventually return to the bait. Several hours passed before I finally heard him coming. My heart was pounding and I didn’t move a muscle as he passed me by within 10 yards.

The plan was to let him get to the bait and then lead him back. I listened to him work the spot for several minutes before he sauntered back down the trail toward me without a care in the world. And just as he reached for the door handle, I stepped out from behind his truck.

Photo courtesy of Chris Sargent
WALL MOUNT — This beautiful adult wild boar was killed by Bangor Daily News Outdoors contributor Chris Sargent at his favorite bait site, for which he gets permission from the generous landowner every year.

“Maine Rangers! Stop right there!”

It was clear that being caught completely off guard deep in the woods was a startling experience for the hunter, but that was my intention. The element of surprise meant he wouldn’t have time to make up a story. But that didn’t stop him from putting together a very animated, expletive-filled response.

As a manager, I always did my best not to beat around the bush, especially when the issue at hand was crystal clear to both of us. Being kind, honest, direct and straightforward with people seemed to work much better in most situations than bombarding them with questions as if I were some kind of expert interrogator.

The bear hunter knew why he was there: his bait site was illegal.

Not only was the spot unmarked, but I strongly suspected that he did not have permission from the landowner to place the bait and probably did not even know who owned the land. He had located the spot a week earlier and had visited it three times in hopes of finding it properly marked before hunting season began.

The hunter briefly attempted to justify the tag issue, but eventually admitted to the violation. He also said he did not have permission from the landowner and did not know who the owner was.

I handed him a subpoena, ordered him to remove the bait within the next few days, then we shook hands and parted ways.

As a game warden, I reviewed dozens of bear baiting sites each year. While most of them were perfectly legal, the number of violations was surprising. Since bear baiting season may begin this month, it’s a good time to review the rules.

The laws and regulations governing bear baiting are simple and straightforward.

Permission must be obtained from the landowner or an agent thereof; the site must be at least 50 yards from a travel route accessible by a conventional two-wheel-drive or four-wheel-drive vehicle; the bait location must be a minimum of 500 yards from a permitted solid waste disposal site, campsite, or occupied dwelling unless permission is granted by the landowner or lessee; and the bait post, blind, or area must be clearly labeled with a 2-inch by 4-inch tag bearing the name and address of the baiter.

There are other regulations addressing site cleanliness, littering, disturbing another’s bait site, and the like.

The most common violations I encountered involved bait sites that had been in place for years, decades, or even generations. Hunters were acting under the belief that the permit must have been granted at some point in the past, so there was no need to worry about reapplying each year.

The problem is that it is very common for land, especially large tracts, to change hands over the years and the current owner may not be willing to grant permission. Also, over time, a new residence, campground, or camping area may have been built within 500 yards of the bait, making it a violation unless permission is obtained to keep it there.

Less common, but of greater concern, were hunters who flagrantly disobeyed all rules by placing a bait site wherever they wanted or continuing to hunt an illegal site with no regard for landowners, other hunters, or the law in general. I did my best to make such violators my priority.

This year, bear baiting can be legally placed starting July 27. That’s less than a month away. Now is the time to check with landowners to renew permits at established sites, obtain permits for new locations, make sure they’re in compliance with all regulations, and prepare for the season.

Black bear hunting in Maine is a cherished tradition and we enjoy some of the best and most generous hunting opportunities to be found anywhere in the country. Follow the rules, be ethical, be respectful, do it right and you will have a great season.

But if you choose not to, instead of a bear hiding in the bushes near your bait spot, you could be getting a bug-bitten game warden, the surprise of a lifetime, and a shiny new court summons.