Cyberpunk 2 director is determined to ensure the sequel “doesn’t repeat mistakes”

Pawel Sasko, associate gameplay director on upcoming Cyberpunk sequel Project Orion, spoke to Dexerto about the “anticipation” of the title and how the team has learned from the “mistakes” of Cyberpunk 2077.

CD Projekt RED is known for developing massive open-world RPG experiences, from the futuristic landscape of Cyberpunk 2077 to the high fantasy world of The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt.

While attending Gamescom LATAM, Dexerto sat down with Pawel Sasko, the current associate gameplay director for the next Cyberpunk instalment. A major topic of our chat was how the company wants to make sure it doesn’t “repeat the same mistakes” from previous titles and move forward better than ever.

As someone who has worked at CD Projekt RED for over a decade and on both The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, Sasko had great insight into the challenges, changes and evolution of the award-winning game development company.

Johnny Silverhand from Cyberpunk 2077 2.1

CD Projekt RED is officially done with Cyberpunk 2077

“We had to completely change our production flow. Today, we work in content teams, feature teams and cross-functional teams. It’s completely different than before, so this is a big step forward.”

Speaking about the future of CD Projekt RED and the multiple new games in development, Sasko explained that the company has learned “many lessons” from previous projects and has an exciting new approach to development.

“Another thing is that we’ve learned a lot of lessons from Cyberpunk 2077, both during its development and at launch. Making sure we don’t repeat any mistakes is something we’re very mindful of and we really want to fix.”

“I know a lot of people are waiting for a new Witcher game and a new Cyberpunk title. There is a lot of anticipation for that, so we are very aware of how important it is to move forward.”

In saying this, Sasko showed what can only be described as pure enthusiasm when describing the future direction and attitude the developers have for all of CD Projekt RED’s upcoming games.

“We’re trying to make the best games in the world. That was always our goal and it still is. To make sure that our players, when they try our game, are really happy with what we’ve created and how it looks.”

For all the latest news on CD Projekt RED’s upcoming Cyberpunk sequel, be sure to check out Dexerto’s full coverage here.